In RMA!!!!

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I woke up to see that I was in Miyo's room.
I tried to think about what I saw in my past.
Y/N:" The...the...they ki-lled my parents just because they were jealous of them being together, what is their problem (tears forming) they are really bad, (starting to cry) but what am I doing in RMA? Is there a reason for that I..I...don't remember where I came from also. *sighing* I have seen this in TV I know what will happen, does that mean that after the game is over I will be going back?"
I was sad thinking about it then someone came inside the room.
It was liu.

Liu POV.

Oh....she is awake.
Liu:"" (I said it but... so embarrassing.)
Y/N :"Hello"
Liu :" I..I will call the others" (Running towards the door)
liu:" hey guys she is awake " others:"what!!!!"
Liu :" let's go"
others:(following liu)


(Why is liu acting strange like that? From what I saw in TV he is really cool.
I really want to meet others too but I have to act like I dont know them they must not know about me knowing their future....haha)

The door slid opened with them squeezing in....actually they looked like potatoesto me when they rushed in...(They are looking so much cool in person) as I was excited to meet them I put my hands on my cheek making an 0 shaped lips, I saw my hands and then...
Me:ahh... my hand...!
Me:I have turned into a cartoon character (shouting)

Me:(jus realized what I did)😅
I..I.. mean...hello.

Lonky POV.

Me: (whispering to others) is she crazy? And what did she mean by cartoon character?
Popo:I think she hit her head.
Pala:should I give her som of my potions?
Others:🤮(making a face like they are going to vomit) it's gross....
Liu: guys let's just ask her ok?

(What are they mumbling so much about? And what's with those faces they made?😐 Did I make them look like I'm crazy?
Liu: hello...let me introduce you to my friends.
Liu: I m liu, this is lonky, Popo,Pala,Miyo,Gai and Kuga.(he said while pointing to each)
Others: hi
Liu: who are you?
Lonky:And where are you from?
Me:(if I tell them I'm from another dimension, they'll probably ask me so many questions.)
Popo:hey... are you there?(waving his hand in front of my face)
Me: oh....yeah
Gai:so where are you from?
Me:I...(as i was about to tell them but got cut off with a hologram....there appeared charming gold)

Charming gold (for short form I will use CG)

CG:So I see that you have met our 8th contestant.
Others including me:what!!??
CG: she will start to play from tomorrow.( winked at me and diassapered)
Miyo:what was that?😲
Lonky:did CG just wink?
Me:(what was that?)
Liu:(turning to me )you didn't tell us ur name..
Me: name is Y/N
Pala:nice to meet you.
Popo: where did u come from n what did u mean by cartoon charactor or whatever that is that time?
Me: I think I should rest for today...(sweating)
Then right on time a robot came in..
Robot:Miss Y/N please follow me, I will guide you to your room.
Me:(perfect timing) yes I will be right there..(rushing towards the door leaving everyone speechless)


RUNNNING  MAN ANIMATION (Liu × Reader)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now