Red Eyed Beast

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3rd person POV

It was the night after the hidden game,
They sure were exhausted.
Lonky, liu and pala were in kuga's room drinking pala's potions and of course kuga wasn't not there, if he was there those three wouldn't be drinking potions but tasting punches.
Popo was thinking of an adorable way to pose showing his cards his cards in his room.
Gai was laying on his bed.
Y/N was sitting on her bed throwing her feet up n down and giggling. If you don't know Y/N is a cheerful girl.
Kuga will know later.
And at last our dear miyo was.....running away from a beast.
It was a red eyed beast, he was running to capture miyo.
He caught miyo and was holding her like a doll, miyo screamed and kicked in the air but was no use.
Gai heard miyo's scream, with a worried look on his face he went out calling miyo.
He saw a huge black figure in the dark holding miyo. He ran after him, the figure took a turn and and gai  ran as fast as he can but it was a dead end, the figure was no where to be seen but he could still smell miyo's scent there.
The black figure just dissapeared into thin air.
He looked all around touching the wall and found a bandage laying on the floor.
Gai quickly teleported to kuga's room making others jump from there place.

Lonky:ahhh ghost...(jumped on liu's hands.
Liu:Gai.....(throwing lonky on the floor)
Liu:what are you doing here?
Others: what?
Gai explained everything from the start worrying about miyo.
Liu: so you are saying you heard miyo screaming when you were in your room and when you went outside, you saw a black figure and you chased him but he disappeared into thin air?

Lonky:Do you expect us to believe that?
Gai:It's true....then how do you explain the weird dude I saw huh?
Lonky:and did he even happen to breath like.....khu pha ku pha(breathing in and out) just like that?
Gai:lonky how would you know that?
Gai:he was breathing....(breathing in and out hard) like he was wearing some sort of mask....
Pala:it's kupa man
Gai:who is kupa man(angry)
Liu: calm down gai....we will find miyo. But first we need some clues.
Gai: here's the first clue(handing liu the bandage)
Liu:(examining it)'s a bandage just like the one kuga wears.
Lonky:Haha......I almost fell for that
Pala:what do you mean?
Lonky:there are making us play a hidden game again like in the train
Gai:lonky....they won't make us play two hidden games in a row and miyo's scream was for real. Suddenly they heard popo screaming.

They rushed in Popo's room, finding him no where with his precious cards laying around the room.

Liu:gai where did you see the black figure?

They reached where the figure dissapeared and started to look around hoping to find a hidden opening.
Pala:I found it(drawing others attention)
Liu:where is it?

When others knew what pala was saying he found they were disappointed. pala only found his herbs. others went back on finding.
Others:(looking back)
Pala was gone too.
Liu:where's pala? What's that hole?
Lonky:pala was here before he dissapeared right?
Liu:isn't it the hole where a hand comes and drags us when we lose the game?
Gai:I don't care, I need to find miyo(jumps in)
Liu:gai wait it might be da.....(gai drags him in too)
Lonky:does that mean they are automatically out from the game? That means I m the winner.....(walking proudly)

Lonky heard the door closing infront of him,
Lonky:what the....wait no(running)

The figure appeared again behind lonky.

Liu and gai were wondering here n there. Every time they reach an end they found themselves somewhere inside the domitary with no one in, but they were shocked when they reached in Y/N's room seeing she was there playing with her legs.
Liu:Y/N.....(shouting and running towards her)
Y/N: m right here no need to blast my eardrums.
Liu:(smiling) sorry m jus too happy to see you are fine.
Y/N:huh? Oh(realizing)
Gai: hurry up.....
Liu:(looking at Y/N ) I will explain later, for now let's just go.

At last they end up in the hallways.
Lonky:ahhhhhh....(running towards us)

Lonky ran pass us shouting non stop....
Y/N:(covering her ears)annoying....
The figure appeared on their left side  with a dangerous jump, he was chasing after lonky. Then liu grapped Y/N's hand and started running away but gai was stayed there to fight him showing his bravery.


Me:slow down liu
Liu: i can't, we need to run
Me: but he's only chasing after lonky not us
Liu:what are you saying?

We caught up with lonky running side by side with him. Out of no where the black figure jumped infront of us grapped  lonky's neck and started running faster. Lonky stretched his arm and grapped liu's foot taking liu with him.
Liu:( letting go of my hand and shouting at lonky)let go me...what are you doing?
Lonky:if I m going, you are going with me(smirking)

Me: selfish lonky(frowning)
Gai:Y/N let's go
We ran faster but the figure jumped into the same hole as before with  lonky and liu. We also jumped after him and soon we found ourselves falling.......

Me:I hate falling........
Gai:i will save you miyo...
Me:(wait a min the red eyed beast will move side at the end of this)

The beast opened an entrance throwing lonky and liu in there. Gai increased his speed stretching his hands in the front to push the beast inside but jus then the beast moved aside.
Me:I will have to push him in then

I threw a huge ice at the beast making him move in the middle then I pushed him in. I fell on the ground hitting my head really hard
Me: awwwww that hurts
Liu: Y/N.....are you okay?(helping me get up)
Me: Im feeling dizzy...(rubbing my head)

Miyo was shouting wanting to beat up the red eyed beast, kicking her legs and jumping but gai grapped her arms stopping her.
Then kuga stepped forward saying he will beat him...while giving a stare at miyo
Me:(I was going to say something but my head felt heavy and then i fainted there but i felt like someone caught me......

RUNNNING  MAN ANIMATION (Liu × Reader)(completed)Where stories live. Discover now