Chapter 1

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The glass door opened and she stopped her strumming, turning her head to look at the person casually walking into her office.

"When are you going to get better with that thing?" Jisoo took a seat on one of the large chairs in front of Lisa's desk.

"Soon, impatient one. Soon." Lisa put the guitar down gently to the left of her chair, leaning it against her tall shelf.

"Have you been watching Star Wars again?"

"It was the only decent thing to watch last night. Don't diss it. Yoda is proof that shorties are wise."

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "I'm wise in spite of my height. And I don't need to wear some burlap sack or have green skin and wrinkles or talk complicatedly to prove it."

"Well then, wise one. Why are you here?" Lisa leaned back on her big leather chair.

"Heard the settlement's in for the Han case."

Lisa nodded. "Big fat check coming your way."

"You mean our way."

Lisa shrugged.

"Good job as always, Lis." Jisoo clasped her hands. "I have another case for you."


"Now I know you might slightly be reluctant about cases like this," Jisoo carefully said. "But I need your help on this. I need the best and you're the best."

"I don't like where this is going." Lisa started to frown. "Why don't you handle it yourself?"

"I wish I could but I'm handling two cases right now and you know how painful one of them is."

"That lawsuit against that pacemaker company thing?"


Lisa tilted her head and looked at her friend.

"Don't give me that look, Lis. I'm not feeding you to the lions."

"Bears? Alligators? Sharks?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes again. "It's quite a simple case but it's high profile and top priority." She calmly looked at her friend.

Lisa took a deep breath. She knew Jisoo was using her 'we're best friends, Lis' card along with 'but you're the best, Lis' combo. "What is it?"


Lisa's expression didn't change. "I thought we talked about this?"

"We did! And you know I respect our agreement but this one is different."

"How different?"

"For starters, the plaintiff is one of my best friends."

"I thought all your best friends work here?"

"We were very close in high school. Before I met you and those other dorks." Jisoo paused to formulate her next sentence carefully. "Have you ever heard of Ahn Suk Jae?"

"What do you think I am? A caveman? Of course I've heard of the national MC! The all-­‐around good guy." Lisa observed her friend's face. "Don't tell me it's him? You're best friends with a top ranked celebrity?"


"Ah." Lisa understood. "His wife?"

Jisoo nodded.

"Wait. I thought his wife was some socialite businesswoman or something?"

"Yep. Jennie Kim."

"Jennie? English name? That's kinda pretentious." Lisa paused. "Wait a minute. I think I read about her somewhere. Isn't that Kim..." Lisa tried to remember. "Is it the same Kim as in Kim Industries?" Lisa tapped her phone – silently asking for Jisoo's confirmation.

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