Chapter 6

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Lisa took a deep breath and placed the receiver back in its place. She took the envelope from her desk and left her office.

"Sooyoung‐ah..." Lisa approached Sooyoung's desk and handed her the envelope.

"What's this?" Sooyoung read the writing on the paper surface. "Are you filing for the Kim case court date?"


"How did the husband take it?"

Lisa shrugged. "I'm pretty sure he's raging right now. His lawyers weren't so happy about it but since it means they will get paid more, they really didn't complain that much." She turned to walk back to her office.


"So there's no hope for me, Unnie?" Yeri's face looked like she was about to cry.

"I'm not saying that there's totally no hope for you. But it's clear that she really isn't interested in you in that way. At least from what I saw last night."

Yeri heaved a deep sigh. "I hate unrequited love."

Jennie laughed. "Don't be so dramatic, Yeri. Go find another girl."

"But I don't want another girl!" Yeri sighed again. "I'm not giving up."

Jennie shook her head. "Lisa told me about that trait of yours. It's good but sometimes..." She sighed. "You just have to accept reality and learn to let go." She sipped her drink.

Yeri observed the calm woman sitting across the table. "Pardon me for saying this, Unnie, but you did the right thing. It's painful, but at least you didn't give up too quickly. I think you managed to end it where it should."

Jennie put her cup down. "Thanks." Her phone suddenly rang. She saw the caller ID and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hello, Miss Kim. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"Oh don't worry, just having coffee with a friend. What is it?"

"I have notified your husband's attorney and requested a court date. I'll let you know when we're due in court as soon as I've heard from them."

"Good, thank you." She paused. "How did he take it?"

"Not very well, I'm sure."

Jennie sighed.

"Are you sure you want to go on with this, Miss Kim?" Lisa heard the sigh.

"I'm sure. Don't worry, Lisa. I'm fine."

Yeri looked up at the mention of Lisa's name before refocusing on her plate.

"Okay then. Well, that's all I need to tell you. Have a good day, Miss Kim."

"Thanks. You too." Jennie hung up and placed the phone back on the table, next to her cup.

"So you're going to court?" Yeri asked.

Jennie nodded.

"Ah okay." Yeri said nothing more.

"I know you know about the little girl and I'm not trying to hurt her," Jennie calmly said.

"It's none of my business, Unnie," Yeri replied. "You do what you have to do. I trust Lisa unnie."

"Speaking of your Lisa unnie," Jennie leaned forward a bit. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Nope. Go ahead." Yeri finished her cake.

"Why was she so cynical about my case at the beginning? She didn't seem like she wanted to handle it in the first place."

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