25- "Pretty One"

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"You are my sunshine" she hummed beautifully, gorgeous brown curls falling to below her hat. "My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey"

"You'll never know dear" a voice returned, a slurred childish voice that instantly called a smile to pull at the mother's lips. Currently, the mother brushed her sweet daughters curls with a soft brush. They were going walking today, all together in the woods and that was the song that kept the four year old calm as the brushed tugged on her rowdy hair.

"How much I love you, so please don't take my sunshine away." The mother finished with a grin on her lips as a giggle bubbled from the sweet angelic child that looked somehow just like her. "You're the prettiest princess baby girl."

"Not pretty like you mommy." The girl babbled as she span around, arms wide and she showed off her lilac dungarees.

"Oh baby, you are much much prettier than me." She assured her sweet child as she picked her up effortlessly and placed her on her hip. "Let's go and find daddy, yes?"

"Yes!" She clapped and giggled and the mother screwed her nose up in a teasing smile as she tickled the girls chin and carried her from the room.

"My sweet Amby." They came across someone completely different. "Hiya Sugar" the brunette woman happily handed her child over to the inhumanly beautiful ginger who bounced the slightly chubby girl happily. "You look so cute,"

"Auntie Tori!" Ambrosia cheered in her sweet angelic voice and the woman beamed, dark eyes glinting as she bounced the girl around on her hip. "We're going walking."

"Why yes we are. We're going walking in the woods today. Do you know the song about the teddy bear in the woods?" Victoria blinked.

"A teddy bear."

"Yes... If you go down to the woods today, You're sure of a big surprise. If you go down to the woods today, you better go in disguise. For every bear that ever there was, will gather there for certain because, today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic." Victoria sang and Ambrosia rested her head against the woman's neck, listening happily to the words of the song she had never before heard.

From across the room, James flares at his mate who snuggled happily to the human child. Victoria had a soft spot for young and pretty children and it angered him. But it went unnoticed by those in the room and Ambrosias parents packed a bag for their walk, all completely oblivious to the monsters in their group. Oblivious to the fact that a monster held her child motherly.

For that day, they were only a group of friends going into the woods for a picnic...

✔️Ambrosia (Edward Cullen) BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now