⚜️ 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙪𝙚: 𝙙𝙤𝙞𝙣' 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 ⚜️

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I freaking hate this place. Tara Calaveras thought.

"And another thing.  About 100 or so years in this place and you still don't know how to follow protocol. I don't understand how you can just waltz into the place and completely disregard months of hard work and planning!"

"If I didn't those people would have died." She responded with no emotion.

"The people weren't our mission. Taking the jewel was. The FBI or police could have handled the people. Do I have to put you on probation again?" Her mother asked.

"I'm sorry mother—"

"Never apologize. You know I hate that."

Tara sat there quietly as her phone rang. Her mother nodded to her to pick it up. She saw the caller I.D. and answered the call immediately.

"Damon Salvatore, been a long time." She answered.

"Hey Tar, this sounds sucky of me since it's been so long but I kind of need a favor."

"Ew. What do you want?"

"What does he want?" Her mother asked.

"I just asked that." Tara said.

"Well this little fart face that used to be a sociopath is here claiming he wants to do good or whatever and be in the group. I have a lot on my hands and we don't really trust him. Since you won't hesitate to murder anyone who vexes you, I was hoping you could come and keep an eye on him."

"Mm, I don't know. You know how I feel about your Scooby gangs weird things."

"Actually Tara Elle I think this could be good for you." Her mother said.

Tara cringed at the way her mother said her middle name.

"What are you talking about mother?" She said, stopping herself from rolling her eyes.

"A couple months in Mystic Falls on probation could be good for you."


"Ooh what did you do this time Tar?" Damon said on the line.

"You heard me. Probation. No more Shadow missions for a while could do you some good. You could learn a thing or two about listening to your mother."

"This is so stupid. When I save lives, I get in trouble. When I don't save lives, I get in trouble! Why is everything always my fault!" Tara said grabbing her mother's coffer cup and smashing it into a wall.

"You done?" Her mother asked. "Because now you owe me a new coffee cup."

Damon snickered on the line and Tara dropped her phone on the floor to smash it with her boot.

"I am not buying you another phone." Her mother said.

"Mother. I do not need probation. The missions we do hurt people but I am a great Shadow agent and I'd be wasting my time in Mystic Falls."

"Tara Elle Calaveras. Do not make me tell you again. You will go to Mystic Falls, you will help the Salvatore brothers, and when you come back I will reinstate you as an agent. But until then, get out of my sight." Her mother ordered.

Tara looked down and clenched her fists in anger. Her mother was one of the only people she was afraid of and would listen to.

"Don't forget to say goodbye to Jack. Make sure to keep me updated." Her mother said before Tara walked out.

Tara walked into her room to pack as she kept thinking about how unfair her mother was.

"Hey you weren't responding to any of my texts. I heard your on probation and your leaving." Jack st. Pierre said coming into the room.

"Yeah I messed up another mission. And I broke my phone." She said as she continued to stuff clothes into her case in anger.

"Another phone? That's the fifth phone this week. You need to learn to control your temper one day." He said walking to the closer to grab a spare phone.

Tara stopped and looked to Jack with her signature death glare.

"Don't give me your scary look. You know I'm right. What's the probation mission this time?" He asked giving her the phone.

"My best friend Damon asked me to come to Mystic Falls and watch some ex sociopath who is a little fart apparently. I'm not looking forward to it but at least I get to see Damon and Stefan again. Apparently a lot of shit has happened with some girl named Elena who looks exactly like Katherine and I haven't seen either of them in like ten years."

"That's exciting." Jack said bumping her shoulder with his.

"Ew Jack stop being chipper." She finished packing and pushed her suitcase to the floor as she was still angry.

"You'll have fun. Damon and Stefan are your best friends and it's been a decade since you've seen them because your always so busy. Try and be positive about, and be yourself."

"Which one? Positive or myself? I can't be both." She asked seriously.

Jack laughed sarcastically and kissed Tara on the forehead softly.

"Be safe alright? I know your fully capable, but still."

"Thanks J. I'll be fine. The little fart I'm not so sure." Tara put her phone in her pocket and put her jacket on.

"Tar, please don't kill anyone. The last thing your mother needs is a reason to bench you for another two months."

"I'll try my absolute best. But you know my mother. Most bitter and vengeful bitch of all."

Jack laughed as she got ready to leave. "Be careful, Maria has ears everywhere."

"Yes I do and I heard that." Maria Calaveras said appearing in the doorway. "Don't screw this up or so help me god."

"Is that a vampire thing or?" Jack asked as she walked away.

"Yes it is." Maria called out.

"I have to go. I didn't respond but Damon most likely knows I'm coming." Tara said.

"Can't wait to meet him. Does he know about me?" Jack asked walking her out of the building.

"No, me and Damon don't really talk about relationships or our personal lives. It's why he's my best friend in the world."

"Oh." Jack said looking to her weirdly.

"I'll be back soon J." She reassured.

He smiled and kissed her head again before she walked outside. She walked in the car and drove to her best friend until she saw the sign that said,

Welcome to Mystic Falls


I know Kai is supposed to be the bad dude and a bunch of crazy stuff happens in the season where he comes back. But this is an AU and he's different in my story and it doesn't line up with the timeline of TVD. I just like making fanfictions for my husband ✌🏽

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