⚜️ 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 ⚜️

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"Shut up and stop talking." Damon Salvatore said.

"Why? Your longtime best friend who is hot and an agent is coming to keep an eye on me and I can't be excited about it?" Kai Parker asked.

"No. No you can't, because that is scary and no one likes you." Damon said smacking his head.

"I still don't understand why I need a babysitter in the first place. I mean come on, a Shadow agent? A little extreme don't you think. Those guys are tough."

"Yes they are, and Tara is one of the toughest considering her mother is a bitch and she grew up rough so, don't piss her off." Damon stopped. "Actually, please do I would love to see that."

"I can't wait to meet her!" Caroline Forbes said excitedly.

"I've heard a lot about her and already love her." Bonnie Bennett said.

"She's tough as nails and has sociopathic tendencies but is my best friend in the world so play nice Parker." Damon pointed to Kai.

"She has my tendencies? Well now I'm definitely going to play nice. She sounds hot." Kai smiled, getting excited for her arrival.

"Hey stop, you will not be hooking up with my best friend dammit. She's a badass who can put you on fire without even lighting a match. So shut up."

"Stop being so obsessed with me Damon" A familiar voice said.

"Ellie!" Stefan said smiling and walking over to her.

"I hate it when you call me that." Tara responded even though she returned his hug.

"Hey Tar." Damon said hugging her for a second.

Kai looked to the woman and realized 'hot' was a serious understatement. This should be fun.

"Can't believe after ten years of not seeing each other your asking me for a favor." Tara fake complained.

"Maria put you on probation again anyways so what are you complaining about?"

"Oh ha ha." She looked around and pointed to everyone as she said their names. "Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, and little shit."

"Wow. How rude Damon." Kai said in fake hurt.

She looked to Kai and saw him look at her with an odd expression. Damon forgot to mention how good looking he was. This should be fun.

She laughed for a second. "Tara Calaveras." She held up a hand.

"Kai Parker." He said kissing her hand.

Tara made a fake weirded out face and pulled her hand back.

"Damon he's flirting with me." She fake whined.

"Hey watch it shithead." Damon said smacking the back of his head again.

"When I die of brain damage your going to feel really bad."

"No I won't." Damon said at the same time Tara said, "No he won't."

Bonnie laughed and the group introduced themselves formally.

"My room is somewhere else I'm guessing from all the people here." Tara asked.

"Actually, you're sharing a room with dickhead over here. There's two beds and plenty of space and you can use my bathroom as a personal bathroom." Damon told her.

"I'm not doing that." She said flat out.

"Come on it isn't that bad. Anything you want." Damon offered and Elena scowled.

"Fine cut off your pinky toe." She told him.

"What? No."

"Shave your head."


"Have sex with Kai then."

"Okay that is too far." Damon stopped.

"Well I tried to be reasonable." She held up her hands in defense.

"I'll let you die my hair." Stefan offered.

"Any color?"

Stefan nodded his head and Tara sighed.

"Fine. We'll have so much fun." Tara said sarcastically.

"I know your being sarcastic but on the off chance your not, it is going to be really fun." Kai smiled. "I'll show her to the room."


Kai has already grabbed Tara's hand to vamp speed her upstairs.

"Don't do that again unless you want to spend the rest of your life eating your meals from a straw." Tara threatened.

"Okay look little lady you don't scar—" He looked to her death glare and cleared his throat. "Got it, won't happen again. Anyways here it is."

"It's nice. Apart from the food wrappers everywhere."

"Yeah sorry. I just know it pisses Damon off that he knows they're here, but he won't come in here. It's great."

Tara gave a small laugh and put her suitcase down on her bed.

"I'll be here a while. So I need to know, are you as much trouble as Damon says you are?" She asked.

"For him yes. It's hilarious. But for you, not at all." He smiled to her as she took off her jacket.


"Because you seem terrifying, your a shadow agent and those guys are 🎼 s c a r y 🎼. And the Luke in new does not want to mess with you. Also because I wouldn't want to vex the pretty lady who is like me." He smiled.

"Like you?"

"You have some sociopathic tendencies and I already like you."

"Oh, right. Well when you grow up with my mother you have to stop caring about things because she destroys literally everything and is incapable of happiness." She muttered.

"Try growing up with my parents. No attention or love."

"Or affection, or even any acknowledgement." She continued.

"It's like, what was the point in me being born if your not going to pay attention to me?"

"Right?" She said enthusiastically.

He smiled to her and she gave a small indication of a smile back.

"I'm not sure if what we just said made us friends, or was a really sad conversation." Tara wondered.

He laughed and walked over to her bed.

"I think we're going to be good friends."


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