⚜️ 𝙗𝙖𝙙 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖! ⚜️

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"How does this look?" Kai asked coming out of the house.

"You look like a muscular circle with suspenders on." Damon responded.

"Why do you need suspenders for this again?" Tara asked.

"Because there fun."

"I see."

"🎶Your going to be my wife🎶." Kai sang.

"No one is going to believe that you're her husband." Damon said.

"What? I can get a super hot agent to marry me." Kai said offended. Sometimes he really hated Luke's stupid feelings.

They all began to generally disagree.

"No way man."

"Way our of your league."

"No you can't."

"That's just rude. Tarah, in a different life, you'd marry me. Right?" He asked.

"Well not now that you called me Tarah." She scowled.

"So your saying there's a chance?" Kai raised his eyebrows and walked closer to her.

"Your an idiot." She smiled.

He smiled as they leaned closer to each other.

"Please stop with the sexual tension please." Bonnie scolded.

"Sexual tension?" Stefan asked.

"I'm sure her fiancé wouldn't mind." Kai smirked to her as he walked closer.

"Fiancé?" Stefan asked again.

"I am very much confused." Caroline spoke.

"It's a long story." Tara said again with a straight face.

"I need context before this conversation can continue." Stefan held his finger up.

"Come on people we must get moving." Kai said before anyone could start asking questions.

Damon caught you to Tara. "I know you hate feelings and people and emotions but you know what I'm about to say."

"Ew, stop. You know I hate this."

"Be careful. Be safe. And just to annoy you even further, I love you." He said kissing her forehead.

She rolled her eyes with disgust even though she appreciated him.

"I'll try. And I love you too I guess." She muttered so low that if he weren't a vampire, he wouldn't be able to hear it.

Elena grew a face of disgust at how close they were.

They all established that they'd only be at the heretics house a short while. Damon didn't feel right with Tara being in there for so long.

Kai wouldn't take no for an answer and Tara just didn't care, so she'd be posing as his wife.

They reached the house all the hybrids were living in and stopped.

"Are you nervous?" Kai asked.

"Why would I be nervous? I've done this multiple times." Tara unbuckled her seatbelt and wore an insulted expression.

"Well I imagine being married to such a fine piece of ass can be nerve wracking-ow! Dammit stop smacking me! Your so violent."

"Your a dumbass." She said getting out of the car.

"Seriously people! Brain damage."

"Seriously, don't mess this up. I'm perfectly fine with killing them. But we at least want to try and talk some sense into them." And told him.

"No we don't." Kai said as if he were disgusted.

"Your right, I don't. I say we rip their hearts out and let that be that. But Stefan asked me to be civil first so."

"Alright wife. Are you ready for this?" He asked grabbing her hand.

They both ignored the warm feeling in their cold hands. "Yep. Sure am husband."

They got out of the car and help onto to each other's unusually warm hands.

"Malakai? Who's this?" A blonde woman said opening the door.

"Mary Louise, this is my wife, Veronica." He introduced.

"Wife?" She said surprised. A brown haired woman came up from behind the girl known as Mary Louise and looked confused.

"Hi. I'm T-Veronica Parker." Tara said smiling. Damon said it was best for her to act nice even though she'd hate every second of it.

"Parker? I never figured you as the type to marry." The brown haired girl with an accent said.

"Well after the merge and all, this little lady just did wonders to me. You two know what I mean." He said grilling Tara's hand and pointing to the two girls.

"What do you want Kai?"

"Well Nora, we." He gestured between them. "Want in the house. Help with whatever crazy things are going on around here."

"You left us for those foul people who tried to kill us and we don't know this girl. Why should we trust either one of you?" Nora asked.

Tara looked to Kai as he looked for an excuse.

"Take us on your nightly hunt. We'll prove our worth." Kai said hoping they'd say yes.

The two girls looked to each other skeptically.

Then another woman who looked exactly like Damon came up behind them.

"Malakai! What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here? And who's this?" The lady spoke.

"Lillian! This is Veronica, my wife. We want back in." Kai smiled.

Tara put up a fake smile to all three girls in hopes they would accept.

"Wife? Well come on in of course! Come on in. Nora, Mary please be nice and show our guest to their rooms. The more family the merrier." Lillian said.

Tara let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and walked inside, still holding onto Kai's hand.

Mary Louise and Nora still looked skeptical as they brought Kai and Tara to the spare room.

"You'll be staying here. The room and every room is soundproof so we don't have to hear anyone doing disgusting things in here. Enjoy." Mary Louise said.

"Hunt it tonight at ten. Don't be late." Nora told them as she grabbed the other girls hand and walked out.

"Wow I can't believe that worked." Tara whispered.

"What? I thought things like this always worked." Kai whispered back.

"Well usually. But this is kind of a dumb plan and I got worried. Don't worry we're good though."

"Wow. So what happens when we have to kiss and stuff? Are you going to be able to control yourself?" Kai laughed.

Tara looked to him with a straight face and made him drop his smile. Then he groaned.

"I'll do it for you." He rolled his eyes as he smacked himself in the back of the head for her.

"Thank you."

"This is the beginning of an abusive marriage."


⚜️ 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 ⚜️ | 𝘒𝘢𝘪 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳 au (completed)Where stories live. Discover now