⚜️ 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙬𝙚 𝙜𝙤 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣 ⚜️

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"I don't understand why your acting this way." Damon Salvatore yelled to his girlfriend.

"Because you don't seem to see it Damon! You are so close to her!" Elena Gilbert yelled back.

"I'm close with Bonnie too! And Caroline! What difference does it make if I'm close with my best friend who I've known since before I was even a vampire?!"

"I d-"

"No Elena! I love Tara, but I am in love with you. You need to realize that and stop obsessing over her and our relationship!" He said walking away, leaving Elena there silent.

- [ ]

"What about this one?"

"Boop." Kai said, bumping his finger to the cats nose.

"Oh you must stop booping." Nóra said annoyed.

"Excuse me sir, can I boop you for a second?" Kai said as he tapped another cats nose.

Tara laughed and looked around for a cat. Nora and Mary-Louise left after he bumped the 7th cats nose. Leaving Tara and Kai all by themselves.

They had spent most of their days with just being with each other. He would paint her, she would make him watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine and he would make her watch the Marvel movies. Which she ended up loving.

"Kai! What about this one!" Tara said pointing to a small black kitten all by itself.

"Let me check something." Kai said.

He walked up to the small cat and tapped its nose like he had done to all the others. The cat licked Kai's finger and looked up to the pair with wide amber eyes.

Tara looked over to Kai's adorable face and tried to stop liking him so much. She did have an open relationship with Jack. But she was supposed to leave and get married.

She was sure that's what she wanted to do. To please her mother, and run WellShadow. Not stay here with her two best friends and Kai. Right?

"It's perfect." He smiled. "You shall be called, Avenger!"

"Saw that one coming." Tara muttered as Kai played with the cat.

"He's adorable. I can't wait to teach to things. Like how to roll over and play fetch and hide the body parts from the police." Kai said snuggling into the cats fur.

"All three of those things were things that dogs do." Tara pointed out.

"Cats can play fetch." Kai defended. "And so will this one, once I teach it."

"Okay weirdo, let go adopt this thing." Tara said making a face to the cat as she petted it.

- [ ]

Elena sat on the couch drinking Damon's bourbon as she waited for him to come home.

She had thought about all the things he told her. She felt like an idiot for getting jealous. Tara has been with Damon and Stefan for a long time. She had no right to be jealous.

Elena turned her head to the side when the door opened, revealing Damon. He was holding the phone they used to contact Tara and Kai.

"Elena I'm sorry. I brought this phone here if you wanted to call Tara and ask her if she ever wanted to be involved with me. I guarantee you she will say no." Damon rambled.

"You don't have to do that."

But Damon had already texted that he was going to call and dialed the number. Kai picked up the phone.

"City Morgue how can I help you?" Kai's voice answered.

"Hey dummy put Tara on."

"Excuse me sir this is a Morgue you cannot speak to me that way." Kai said in a British accent.

When Damon was going to reply he heard smacking sounds and a series of 'ow!' Tara had smacked him on the head and taken thephone.

"Yellow?" Her voice called.

"Hey just wanted to know if you've ever thought of me romantically. Elena is worried." He said looking to her her.

"Ew no! That would be like weird incest. I would do all of you except for you and Stefan. And Elena, she's too involved in you and that would be equally gross." Tara told him.

"Good to know, okay bye." Damon said hanging up and looking to Elena. "Believe me now?"

"Yes." She said rolling her eyes playfully. "I'm sorry."

"And?" Damon asked.

Elena laughed before she answered. "And I love you."

"Good to hear." He said smugly. "Ow!"

Elena has smacked him and he rubbed his shoulder before answering. "I love you too."

"Good to hear."


⚜️ 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 ⚜️ | 𝘒𝘢𝘪 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘦𝘳 au (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora