story short: 3

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Y/n was in bed asleep turned away from Joseph. He was cuddling her all day when he suddenly woke up, his stomach felt pretty weird when he remembered the dream he had.

"Why was I in japan...with teenagers I don't know?"  Joseph rubs his head ruffling his Brown hair his cowlick never moving much though.

Y/n heard him talking and she mumbles turning over towards him putting her hands towards his face and she squeezes his nose tightly frowning. "Eliza..the cats talking.." Joseph couldn't help but laugh as he kisses his loved one's head and he removes get hand holding it in his own. Her hand was cold as ice and he made sure to keep her hand warm with his own body heat.

Laying down joseph sighed and pulls y/n close to him as she frowned in her sleep suddenly becoming restless. She flips and turns in the bed before she Sat still crying and she jolts awake with a hand over her chest. She shouts out one name she couldn't help but feel the urge to cry for. "Caesar...kakyion.."

Joseph held y/n close patting her back as he questioned her. "I don't know why you dreamt of caesar but...why are you dreaming of some foreign food or something? What happened? What was your dream about"

Y/n looks up at joseph and she shakes her head, her eyes were still wide and full of fear."I-I don't remember but its bad..really bad maybe even terrible, but it's so hard to remember it." Joseph watched as y/n's look of shock faded again and she cried tears once again getting up and going to the bathroom.

Her cries were heard through the vents in the bathroom and caesar came up to figure out what the problem was, and once he heard y/n explain he hugged her on the bathroom floor. "Nothing's going to happen to me y/n. You can't get rid of me that easily, hell even lisa lisa can't get me off her back when i want to learn new hamon tricks"

Y/n chuckled as caesar wiped her face with the pads of his thumbs as y/n suddenly felt sticky from the thin layer of soap he keeps on himself all the time. "Also..teach me you're cowboy shooter hamon, no one knows how you actually managed to shoot hamon like that"

Joseph watched as caesar distracted y/n from the bad memories she dreamt of and put her mind on something completely different. His heart warmed at the sight of caesar comforting y/n.

"Another thing..why is Joseph's scarf so long? Did he plan to wrap somebody up like a mummy in it?" Y/n bursted out laughing at this and Joseph became flustered. "no you idiot! It's fashion!"



To be continued👈
I'll write shorts in-between chapters. But they are all in random order, they are connected to the story but happen at random moments of time. I'll try to write today and check the spelling before posting it.

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