Shooting Stars....Closer Then You Can Imagine

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Mikayla Young was an ordinary teen girl and she was coming back home from her high school. She was so excited because her friends just invited her for a camp out this weekend to see shooting stars. She ask her brother if she could and he said sure. She started packing up clothes and then she heard a horn and her brother said there here to pick her up. Now this is where the story begins," Okay make sure you have fun and tell me all about it afterwards" her brother said then she said " I will Adam see you later" As she says that she gets in the car and waves goodbye.

(Later at the camp site)

" Thanks for inviting me you guys, I can't wait to see the shooting stars" says Mikayla " Your welcome, it wouldn't be a party without you" Ally said. " Yeah and we also got a perfect spot to sit and see the shooting stars clearly tonight" Gwen pointing to an edge of the cliff. "And it's a good spot, it feels as if you are touching the sky and that's why we had to come here right away" said Sam. Mikayla was so excited she sent up the tent quickly and help start the fire.

(Few hours later)

" Wow Mikayla you really were that excited" Ally teased " Haha say all you want but now we can be ready to watch the night sky" said Mikayla and as soon as she said that the sky became dark and a few minutes later the stars begin to show. " Okay girls the shooting stars are about to start in 30 minutes so get ready" Gwen's mom said " Yes mam" they all said. Mikayla and her friends sat and looked up to the sky and waited and while they waited they started playing truth or dare. " Okay Mikayla, truth or dare" Ally asked, Mikayla responded " Truth" then Ally said " Okay, what was your favorite show before it ended" right away Mikayla answered "Definitely Code Lyoko."

After a few more truth or dare questions, Mikayla noticed a shooting star then she shouted " Looky looky there's a shooting star" everyone looked and they were amazed. After a few seconds looking at the shooting star Ally looked back at her and said " Even in high school you still act like a 5 year old " "Is that so wrong?" Mikayla asked " No, but it is funny" Gwen answered. Mikayla just pouted "Cheer up, we're just messing around" Sam said and she hooked her arm around Mikayla's head and squeezed it. Mikayla pleaded " Please let me go I can't breath" everybody laughed while she let go of Mikayla's head and said " Sorry Mik" that was their personalize nickname for Mikayla ever since they met on the first day of middle school.

As they watched the stars fly through the sky Mikayla then said " Let's make a wish" everyone looked at each other and nodded their heads. As Mikayla was making her wish she saw something weird it was blurry at first but then she saw a factory. Then an elevator going down to a computer room with a man then it changed into a boy on the computer. Then a room with three scanners and she was entering in one of them and when the doors were closing she saw four figures she didn't know who they were because it got blurry again.

She shook her head wondering what that was then all of a sudden her friends started screaming because a shooting star was heading toward them. All of them got out of the way and she was about to get out of the way as well but then she saw something on the shooting star it was some sort of logo. It was a dot with a circle around it with a line on top and three lines on the bottom, she then got a headache but she doesn't know why.

She snapped out of it when her friends were calling for her, but before she could react the shooting star hit the edge and crumbled. Mikayla tried to get to her friends but it was no use and she started falling. She started to scream and thought is this the end. Her friends shouted her name and she started to cry and she reached out for them. All of a sudden everything started to disappear and she started to freak out and then she saw a digital tree. She landed on the ground with a thud, Mikayla then said " Ow" but then she realized and then said " Wait I'm not dead! Yay." She then looked around " Guys where are you" but she realized, she wasn't at the campsite, no she was in a digital forest.

Then her head hurt again and she heard a voice and the voice said " Walk forward my child, listen to my voice and follow it" Mikayla was definitely confused but she felt as if she can trust the voice and followed it. She came towards a tower that was glowing red and the voice said " Enter the tower and go into the middle of the tower" Mikayla entered and did what the voice said. When she got to the middle she was lifted to a higher platform and a screen appeared then the voice said " Now put your hand on the screen and enter the code lyoko." She then thought " Wait code lyoko why does that sound familiar" but she decided to think about it later for now she put her hand on the screen and she entered the code lyoko then the voice said " Good job the tower is deactivated." Mikayla asked " Who are you" the voice said " You'll find out in due time" Mikayla was about to say something else but then she felt a pounding in her head and screamed " Ahhhh" and passed out.

I'm in Lyoko! WAIT! WHAT!?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu