Chapter four

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Archie took a quick shower and changed into some sweatpants and a shirt before he sits down on the couch. Instead of being interested in the game, the twins are more interested in their father. They climb up on him, play with his hair, fight about who gets to sit in his lap, show him every picture they drew the last couple days and talk about their current favorite tv show. While Veronica sits next to Archie and tries her best to keep her kids from falling off the couch, Aurelia sits across from the rest of her family. She watches them with a little smile on her face. Veronica noticed but chose not to say anything in front of the others. When her daughter gets up and goes into the kitchen, she follows.

"Are you okay honey?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You haven't really said much since dad's back and you're just watching him with the twins"

"Because they're still little. I had dad to myself for twelve years, it's their turn now. I can still hang out with dad when the twins are in bed"

Veronica sighs and steps closer to her daughter. She runs her thumb over her cheekbones and smiles.

"You're just like him sweetie, way too good for this world. I know the twins get more attention than you and I'm sorry about that but when you want to spend time with your dad than don't hold back, okay?"


Veronica pulls her daughter into a hug. She kisses her temple while her left hand scratches her back. Aurelia lies her head down on her mother shoulder. She tries her best to keep her tears from falling but she can't. As soon as Veronica feels her shirt get damped by her daughter's tears, she holds her even closer.

"Oh my sweet little girl"

"I'm fine mom" she sniffs.


After a long day of playing games, a lot of cuddling and story telling the twins are finally asleep in their beds. Aurelia went to her room a couple of minutes ago to get ready for bed herself.

Veronica and Archie lie on the couch. She lies in his arms while he keeps his lips on the crown of her head. He has been placing little kisses to it for almost five minutes straight.

"Archiekins, you should talk to your daughter"

"Which one?"

"The one who isn't asleep yet" she giggles and rolls on top of him. He places both of his hands on her lower back and smiles widely at his wife.
"She kinda feels like she needs to step back so the twins can spend more time with you"

"What? That doesn't make sense. I missed all of my kids"

"I know that Archie but she's too much like you. She always thinks about other's first. She even cried earlier"


"You know what? You go talk to her and I'll wait for you in the bedroom"

"Mhhh, I like that" he grins.

Veronica kisses him. Her hands sneak under his shirt before she gets up. She sways her hips, knowing Archie would stare. He missed his wife a lot. He missed flirting with her, kissing her and holding her close. He missed being a husband.

He walks upstairs to his daughter's bedroom and knocks lightly on the open door.

"Can I come in hun?"

She nods.

Archie closes the door behind him and sits down on the edge of her bed. He pats the space next to him to signal his daughter to sit down too.

"You know I love you, right?"

"Oh god, mom talked to you"

"She's just worried about you and so am I. You don't need to step back for your siblings. I love you all the same and I missed you all same. I wanna spend just as much time with them as with you. So you know what? We two are having a father-daughter-day tomorrow, just you and me"

"Do you think mom will be okay with that? She really missed you"

"Sweetheart" he chuckles "She'll be fine with it. So what do you say?"

"I'd really like that dad" she smiles and leans into his side.

"Great" he whispers. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her head. "I missed you so much my little girl"

"I missed you too dad"

Archie kisses her head a couple more times before he leaves her room and goes to Veronica.

When he opens the door to the master bedroom, he sees his wife sit on the bed with some very revealing black lingerie. He grins and slowly walks towards her.

"How can you be so hot?"

"Don't question it Andrews and just enjoy it"

"Oh I definitely will, baby" he says as he takes his shirt off. He lets it fall to the floor and hovers over her before he kisses her.

She runs her hands down his abs and grins up to him.

"Getting more defined every time"

"Only for you" he whispers. He leans down and lays a line of kisses from her neck to her chest.
"Aurelia and I are going to have a father-daughter-day tomorrow"

"Well then I better get a mommy-daddy-night"

"You think you can be quiet?"

"Definitely" she breaths out. She bites the inside of her lip when Archie starts to kiss down her stomach.

"You're so beautiful. I love you"

"I love you too"

Soon clothes are off and Veronica and Archie get to spend a special night together, no longer missing each other.

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