Chapter eighteen

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"I can't believe our little girl is graduating" Archie sighs while he stares out of the large window in the living room.
Veronica giggles. She stands in front of him and fixes his tie. His hands are on her waist and her little baby bump is touching his stomach.

"I know. It seems like only yesterday when she was running around the house in diapers with chocolate all over her face"

"I don't want my kids to grow up" Archie whines.

"There's in nothing you can do about it Archiekins" she smiles. She cups his cheeks and pulls him down for a kiss. "One baby is grown up but you have three more so no need to worry"

"I love you Ronnie"

"I love you too"

"How can you guys be so cute after 20 years of dating?" Aurelia laughs as she walks down the stairs. She's wearing a dark blue dress, the same blue dress Veronica wore when she graduated. She kept it all those years only for this moment and she will keep it for Emilia and her other little girl. It's a good thing Veronica wasn't showing back then. This way it will fit all of them.

"We're married for 16" he grins.

"I know that dad"

As she reaches the living room, Archie takes her hand and spins her around. "You look beautiful sweetie"

"Thank you"

He pulls her close and stares kissing her cheek over and over again. Aurelia wrinkles her nose and pushes his face away. "Dad you're ruining my makeup" she groans.

"That's exactly what your mom said when we graduated" he chuckles "can't believe I'm not allowed to kiss my girls"

"Kiss me Daddy!" Emilia squeals and runs towards Archie with her arms up. Her braids bounce up and down and her purple dress flutters in the wind. She's wearing the same dress Veronica wears and Archie's tie matches them.
He tosses Emilia into the air and then holds her in his arms before he presses a big sloppy kiss to her cheek. "Promise me you'll never grow up"

"Never daddy!"

"Good girl" he chuckles and kisses her cheek again.
"Are my girls ready to leave?"

"What about me?" Ben asks. He slowly walks over to Aurelia and wraps his arms around her leg. He's wearing his light blue dress shirt which he somehow managed to leave stainless.
Aurelia runs her fingers through her brother red curls and kisses the top of his head.

"Sorry buddy" Archie chuckles "are my girls and my little man ready to leave?"

"YES!" Emilia squeals. She wiggles in Archie's arms so he sets her down. She runs into the garage to the car with her brother following behind her.
Archie reaches his hand out to Aurelia. She rolls her eyes but a smile grows on her face.

"I'm not a little girl anymore"

"You'll always be my little girl"


When they call out Aurelia's name, tears develop in Veronica's eyes. She can't believe that her little baby is grown up. She just told Archie there is no way to stop their kids but deep down she wants them to stay little forever. She turns her head and admires her husband for a second, how he holds both of the twins in his lap and he squeezes their bodies close to him. She remembers when Aurelia was this little. Archie adored her and would have moved mountains to make her happy. Now she's graduating and old enough to fight for her dreams on her own.

She places her hands on her stomach and softly rubs it. The thought that almost exactly 18 years ago she graduated herself with Aurelia in her stomach makes her cry more. She's so proud of her. She graduates one year early and every good college offered her scholarships. Aurelia really is the perfect mixture of her and Archie. She might look like copy of Veronica but she has Archie's big heart and his caring and loving personality. All three of her kids have. While her girls still have some Lodge attitude and sassiness in their veins, little Ben is 100% Archie and she loves that. She can't wait to meet her other little girl and find out if there's more Lodge or Andrews in her.

"Baby, are you okay?" Archie chuckles when he sees the tears dripping down Veronica's face.

"My baby is graduating" she sniffs.

Archie chuckles. He wipes her tears away and takes her hand into his. Their fingers intertwine before he brings her hand up to his mouth and kisses her knuckles.

"Don't be sad mommy" Ben whispers and kisses her cheek.

Her bottom lip trembles. This is too much cuteness at once.

When she sees Aurelia walking towards them she's the first one who jumps off her seat and runs towards her daughter. She embraces her in a big hug and places hundreds of kisses to her cheek.
"I'm so so proud of you baby"

"Thanks mom. I love you"

"I love you more"

Ben and Emilia come running as well. They wrap their arms around their sister and look up to her.

"You're the smartest big sister in the entire world" Ben grins and reaches for her diploma. He giggles and then hands it to Archie. "Look daddy!"

"Some day you're gonna have one of these too"

"No!" Veronica pouts. "They will not grow up"

Archie chuckles and wraps his arm around his wife.

"Wow mom, you're hormonal today" Aurelia giggles.

"I have a baby in me so no judging"

"We're proud of you honey. You did a really good job" Archie grins and pulls Veronica a little closer to him.

"Thanks dad but— uhm there is something I have to tell you guys"

"What is it?"

"Uhm I won't go to college t-"

"WHAT?" her parents say in unison.

"Let me finish! I won't go this year. I wanna spend more time with you guys" she says before she looks down to the twins "j oh and my annoying but adorable siblings and most importantly I wanna help with the baby. You two will definitely need help"

"Thank?" Veronica giggles and wipes her tears away.

"I talked to Harvard and they offered me a spot for next year. This way I can stay home a little longer, help with the household and spend time with you guys"

"That's a great idea honey" Archie smiles.

"Mhm, I know"

"My baby is not leaving yet" Veronica squeals and pulls her daughter into her arms.

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