chapter ten

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It's been two months since Veronica and Archie had their date night. They enjoyed it so much, that they decided to have one once a week. Reggie took the twins and Aurelia was at Aaron's or a friend's.
Besides dinner the two also had some fun at home and weren't always as careful as they should have been.

Veronica has been feeling horrible the past few days and she thinks she knows why.
This morning she got up early and sneaked into the bathroom. Five minutes later she storms back out.

"ARCHIE FUCKING ANDREWS" she yells with her arms crossed in front of her chest and with something in her hand but Archie can't figure out what.

"What's wrong Ronnie"

"YOU PUT A FUCKING BABY INTO ME!" she yells and throws the positive pregnancy test against his head. Archie's confused because she's yelling but smiling.

"Wait what? You're pregnant?" he asks and gets out of bed with giant grin on his face. He walks to her, places his hands on her waist and pulls her against his chest.


"Really, you're not just pranking me?"

"No Archiekins, we're going to have another baby" she whispers before she gets on her tiptoes, grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls his lips to hers.

"I thought you don't want another one"

"It's not like I could change anything about it. There is no way I'm ever going to kill something so innocent"

He smirks "so when I you pregnant again-"

"Then I will kill you" she giggles

"I mean I'm already 35 and you're never home and I have no idea how I'm going to do this but now that I'm pregnant.....I'm so excited, we're going to have another cute little baby, Archie".

"I know, I love you Ronnie"

"I love you more" she grins and kisses him again.

"And by the way it's your fault that I'm pregnant"

"What? I'm not the smartest but I'm pretty sure making babies is a team work thing"

"Shut up Andrews" she playfully hits his chest and turns around to walk away but Archie pulls her back into his arms. Her back is against his chest and his hands rest on her stomach. She giggles as he starts to rub it softly.

"Not so fast Ronnie. It's been five years since you were pregnant. Let me rub that belly"

"There is no belly yet"

"It's still a baby inside, an Andrews baby" he grins.

"Yeah, and this one is definitely our last, understood mister?"

"Yes, my love"

"It's kinda unfair though how you always get what you want" she giggles and places her hands on his.

"Come on Ronnie, deep deep down you wanted a baby too. We weren't exactly careful and you usually kill me when I forget to buy condoms"

"Maybe" she whispers "you know, it's not that I didn't want another one but I don't wanna raise it alone. When I married you I imagined us raising our kids together"

"I know Ronnie and I'm so sorry but I promise you, you will not raise this one alone. I'll try to leave the military as fast as I can and ask my dad for a job"

"You know I earn enough money for this family right?"

"Yeah but I'm the man. As stupid as this sounds I wanna take care for my family. I wanna earn money so I can spoil you and the kids. I wanna buy flowers and jewelry and candy and toys".

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