Chapter thirteen

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During breakfast Archie gets more and more excited. He can't wait to tell the kids what he and Veronica have planned for the next two days. He is tapping his foot on the floor and poking his food with a fork.

"Are you okay dad?" Aurelia asks.

Archie turns to Veronica. He looks at her with big, pleading eyes, hoping she would finally allow him to tell the kids.
She giggles and nods.

"We're going to Disneyland"

The twins scream and jumps off their seats. They run over to Archie and he lifts both of them into his lap.

"Disneyland? You guys know we live in Riverdale, right?"

"Yes honey, we're aware of that" Veronica giggles.

"Your mom and I just booked our flight to Orlando. You have half an hour to get everything you need for two days"

"Are you really serious?"

"Yes Lia, help your siblings pack and in the meantime we'll clean up the kitchen"

Archie lets the twins back down and they immediately run into their rooms. Aurelia follows. Over Archie's face spreads a wide grin. He can't wait to see the sparkle in his kids eyes and make some dreams come true.


The first thing they did when they arrived was going into one of the stores to get some things. 'We have to be dressed properly' Emilia said over and over again.
All three kids picked out some Mickey Mouse ears. The girls' each have a little red bow between the ears. Even Veronica got some and Emilia insisted on Archie getting a pair as well.
Veronica giggled when her daughter handed Archie some ears with a bright pink bow. 'Here daddy, those are pretty'. Nevertheless he took them and is wearing them since.

He holds Veronica's hand with their fingers intertwined while they walk to the castle to take some pictures. In front of them walk their kids. Aurelia walks in the middle of her siblings. Ben holds her left hand and Emilia her right.
Archie's heart breaks at the sight of his kids, knowing he'll be gone soon.
Suddenly Emilia turns around and stops walking. She reaches her arms out to her dad and waits for him and Veronica to approach her.

"Sweetie you have two healthy feet"

"Please daddy"

"You know what I hate?" he asks and lifts her into his arms "I can't say no to your cute little face"

She giggles and lies her head down on Archie's shoulder. He takes Veronica's hand back into his and they keep walking.

"What do you want honey?"


"Are you sure? You only come cuddling when you want something"

"Oh come on Arch" Veronica giggles "that's not true"



"Can we switch our Mini Mouse ears please?"

Archie chuckles and glances over to Veronica who smiles too.


"You have a pink bow. I like yours better than mine"

"But I like pink too"

"Please daddy"

"Mhhhh okay but under one condition, I want a kiss"

Emilia squeals before she wraps her arms around his neck and places one big kiss on his cheek.
She pulls her ears off and then his before she switches them. "Thanks daddy, you're the best"

"I know" he grins and sets her back down. She runs to her sister and grabs her hand.

"I'm gonna miss them Ronnie and you of course"

"We're going to miss you too"

"I don't even wanna think about their faces when we tell them" he sighs.

"Me neit- Veronica stops her sentence and grabs Archie's arm with both of her hands.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Just a little dizzy, give me a second"

"You wanna sit down?"

She nods and holds tighter onto his arm.

"Aurelia honey" Archie call out. She turns around and walks towards her parents, still holding her siblings hands.

"What's wrong"

"Mom is a little dizzy. Let's sit down for a second"

"Mommy?" Ben asks with a lightly shaking voice and walks closer to her. He grabs her hands and she sees some tears developing in his eyes.

"I'm okay honey. It's because of the pregnancy"

"Stop making mommy dizzy" Ben says while tapping his finger on her baby bump.

"Why don't we three go to that carousel over there and mom and dad wait for us here" Aurelia asks, taking her siblings hands back into hers.

"Yes, yes, yes," Emilia cheers and starts pulling on her sister's arm.

"Thanks hun" Archie says and sits down next to Veronica. He wraps his arm around her and runs his fingers up and down her side. He pulls her a little closer and starts kissing her cheek.

"Oh my god" Veronica gasps.

"What? Are you okay?"

She nods, grabs his hand and places it on her stomach.

"She's kicking" Archie grins and places his other hand on her stomach as well.

"No Archiekins" she giggles "she's way too little to kick but she's moving"

"You know, no matter how often I felt this before, it's forever going to be the most amazing thing in the world"

"I agree"

"I love you Ronnie"

"I love you too"

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