Chapter twenty one

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Little Luna is a whole week old now and the entire family sits on the couch, starring at her how the little girl sleeps in Veronica's arms.
Ben carefully caresses her little head.
A few days after she was born they were able to go to the hospital. Both, Veronica and Luna, are perfectly fine.
Today they decorated the Christmas tree while only some snow is falling outside.

"I remember when you and Emmy were this little" Veronica sighs and kisses Bens head.

"Was Aurelia little too?" he asks as he looks up to Veronica.

"Of course" Archie chuckles. 17 and a half years ago mommy and I sat on this sofa with little baby Aurelia.

"Dad, we got this couch like 3 years ago" Aurelia laughs.

Okay fine, but we were in this living room. 'this sofa' just sounded more dramatic"


"Isn't she beautiful?" Veronica whispers and runs her fingers over her daughter's little face. She and Archie just moved into their first own house in Riverdale and now there are already three people living here. They decided to take a skip year to spend as much time with their child as possible.
What Veronica doesn't know yet is that they will not move to New York for four years. They will stay in Riverdale. It's the better place for Aurelia and their future children to grow up. She will drive to New York for one and a half hours and back for college every day. Sometimes Andre will drive her and sometimes he will pick her up. On Fridays though it will be Archie and Aurelia who pick her up. Archie will buy her a single rose, every Friday. They will go to a little Italien restaurant to have dinner and after that they will drive back home. Veronica and Aurelia will always fall asleep in the car so Archie has to carry them inside.

"She's as beautiful as you are Ronnie"  Archie grins before he kisses Veronica's temple. "If I knew that we make such cute babies I would've gotten you pregnant earlier"

"No no Archiekins, 18 is early enough"

"I was kidding babe" he chuckles before he pulls her closer into his chest. He leans down and places a little kiss on his daughter's forehead.
"My sweet little princess. Daddy loves you so much and I promise you right now that no one will ever hurt you. I will keep you safe"

"Oh Archie, you're so cute"

"I'm just telling my baby that daddy will protect her and I hope that mommy knows that daddy will also protect her"

"She knows" Veronica whispers. She leans her head back and they share a loving kiss.


Ben giggles and looks to his big sister. "You are old"

"Thanks Benny, I love you too" Aurelia says before she pulls her brother towards her and ruffles his hair. He squeal and tries to push Aurelia away but she's to strong. "Lia stop" he giggles.

"Only if I get a kiss"

"Okay, okay" he squeals.

She stops. He gets onto his knees and places a kiss on his sister cheek.

"Oh you guys are so cute" Veronica says with tears forming in her eyes. Archie chuckles and kisses her head. "Mom is still a little hormonal"

Veronica nods and leans into his side.

"Mom what was the first night at home with me like?"

"Your dad proposed" she grins and feels Archie kissing her head again.

"Wait what? Why did you never tell me that?"

"You didn't ask"

"I'm asking now"

Veronica giggles. "Well...."


"Shhh sweetie, don't wake up, stay asleep so mommy and daddy can snuggle a little" Veronica whispers as she carefully lies her daughter down in her crib next to the king size bed.
Archie stands behind her with his arms around her waist and his chin on her shoulder.

"I love you Ronnie" he whispers.

"I love you too"

He turns her around and kisses her softly before he takes both of her hands into his. For a moment he just stares into Veronica's eyes. A smile grows on his face.

"Ronnie, I love you more anything, you and our baby. You're my dream girl, you're perfect in every single way and now you're the mommy of my child. I don't care if people say we're too young. It was going to happen anyway so why not now. This little girl is going to drown in love.
I promise you right now that I will love you and Aurelia until the end of time, I will always protect you and be by your side"
He takes a deep breath "I want to spend the rest of my life with you Ronnie, so last week I asked your parents for permission and after your dad yelled at me and threw his cup of coffee at me, he said yes because he can't deny that there's no one in this world who loves you more than I do. You're my queen for now and forever. I love you Ronnie so-"

He kneels down on one knee and pulls a ring out of his pocket "Veronica Cecilia Lodge, will you marry me?"

"YES! YES! YES!" Veronica squeals and tackles Archie to the floor. She lies on top of him while they kiss over and over again. 

"I don't want to ruin the moment babe but do you want the ring?"

She giggles and nods.
So he sits up. She's now straddling him. He takes her left hand and slips the ring on. She gasps.

"Oh my god Archiekins it's so beautiful. That must have cost you fortune"

"I've been saving for a while" he whispers and wipes her tears away. "Kiss me before Lia starts crying"


"Did mommy look pretty in her dress?" Ben asks.

"Mommy looked absolutely beautiful, stunning, gorgeous"  Archie grins and receives a kiss to his jaw from Veronica. "But Benny we have pictures of me and mommy on our wedding day over there" he says and points to a wall in the living room with family pictures.

"I know" Ben giggles "but I wanted you to say how pretty mommy looked"

Veronica giggles too. "Your sister" she starts, looking at Aurelia "was blabbering the entire time. At some point grandma had to cover her mouth so people could here our vows"

"Sorry, I'm just a really talkative person"

"You were such a cute little baby and now you're all grown up" Veronica says with once again tears forming in her eyes.

Archie leans his head to her ear and whispers: "we can make more"

"In your dreams"

My girl varchiedreams helped me with this chapter.
You should check out her one shots. They're really good 💕

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