chapter eleven

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It's been another two months since Veronica found out she's pregnant. Archie is obsessed with her tiny baby bump and doesn't let her do anything on her own. At first it was really cute but it kinda annoys Veronica now. Sometimes she snaps at him for no real reason and she feels horrible afterwards but Archie is never mad. He knows it's manly her hormones speaking. He's been through this twice before he can handle a third time.
Last week they found out that the baby is going to be another girl. Aurelia and Emilia are really excited to get another sister. Archie and Veronica didn't really care about the gender in the first place. The only one not too happy about this was Ben. At first he was really mad at Archie for making his mommy pregnant with a girl. Veronica was so confused about his choice of words. He is only five years old but she chose to simply ignore it. Ben really wanted a brother and cried when Veronica told him it's going to be a girl but now he's probably the most excited besides Archie. He always makes sure Veronica drinks enough water, hands her a blanket when he thinks it's too cold for the baby and carries everything for her. Veronica loves that she and Archie raised a little gentleman and sometimes she wishes he would stay this little and adorable forever. Both of her men do anything for her. It's cute when Ben does it but it still annoys her when Archie doesn't even let her walk down the stairs on her own.

She sits on the couch, reading a book while her two girls are playing with barbies on the floor. Ben is in the kitchen, helping Archie to prepare an afternoon snack.

"Mommy!" Ben giggles and runs towards Veronica with a bowl in both of his hands.

"Don't run Ben" Archie chuckles and follows behind him.

"Here mommy, strawberries for you and sissy"

"Thank you Benny. That's really sweet. Give mommy a kiss" she squeals and holds his chin. He gets on his tiptoes and places his hands on the couch to push himself up a little bit. He gives her a little kiss on her nose and giggles before he climbs up the sofa and sits down next to her.

Archie sits down on the couch as well with another bowl of strawberries in this hand.

"Girls could you come here mommy and I need to talk to all of you"

Aurelia gets up and lifts her sister into the air, making her squeal and giggle. She sits down on the floor in front of her parents and brother with Emilia in her lap.

"What's up?"

"We think it's time to name the baby and we want you guys to be a part of this decision"

"I want Barbie" Emilia says excitedly and claps her hands.

"I'm sorry baby but your sister's name will not be Barbie" Veronica giggles.

"What do you want your sister's name to be, Lia?"

"I don't know. This is kinda overwhelming me"

"I like Luna" Ben says.

"Oh I love Luna. Archiekins what do you think?" Veronica says and turns to Archie.

"I love it"

"Me too. Good job Benny" Aurelia smiles. She leans towards her brother so they can high five.

"Okay, let us think about it again but it's a beautiful name. I really like it"


It's around 9 pm and the twins are already in bed when Aurelia sits in an armchair, watching how her dad kisses and rubs Veronica's little baby bump. His head lies next to her stomach and he can't stop grinning.

"Mom, I can remember dad being like this when you were pregnant with the twins but was he like this with me too?"

"Oh yes. He was worse. I mean I still can't do anything on my own but at least your dad lets me leave the house or walk"

"What do you mean?" Aurelia giggles. She sits up straight and grabs a pillow which she places in her lap.

"You guys know I'm right here, right?"

"Oh shhh Archiekins, let me tell her some stories"

"Fine" he mumbles. He places another kiss on Veronica's stomach before he lies his head back down on the couch and wraps his arms around her waist.
Veronica giggles and starts to play with his hair before she turns her gaze back to her daughter.

"When I was pregnant with you, your dad was really protective. We just graduated High School which means he was with me 24/7. He didn't want me to walk because I could have tripped or fallen. He didn't want me to leave the house alone so I was basically lying in bed most of the pregnancy. It was annoying but also kinda cute. Your dad bought roses like literally ever day and he cooked and-"

"Dad cooked?"

"Is that so hard to believe missy?" Archie asks and pulls Veronica a little closer to him.

"No, not at all dad" Aurelia grins.

"I just wanted to make sure your mom and especially you are safe and protected. I never would have forgiven myself if anything happened to you guys"

"And you did a great job Archiekins. Thank you"

He tilts his head to look up to her. Their eyes lock before Veronica leans down and places her lips on his. They deepen the kiss quickly.

"Okay guys that's my cue to leave. Goodnight" Aurelia giggles before she gets up and quickly walks into her room.

"Goodnight honey" Veronica mumbles.

Archie chuckles and starts to bite her bottom lip. His hand is still on her stomach but now Veronica's is on top of his. Suddenly Archie phone rings. He kisses her one more time before he pulls away and reaches for his phone.


Veronica stares at him, trying to find out who is calling her husband and why. His face goes slightly white and his eyes widen. He looks at Veronica and
by the look on his face she can tell immediately who's on the other end.

"I understand Sir"

She's still starring at him and tears start to form in her eyes.

"Yes Sir. Goodbye" He places his phone back on the little table in front of the couch before he turns back to Veronica. He reaches for her hands but she pulls away.

A few tears run down his cheeks before he says the words Veronica hates the most.

"I have to go back"

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