Chapter five

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Usually Aurelia wakes up to the sound of her siblings screaming or running around but today it's quiet. When she opens her bedroom room she can smell pancakes and bacon.
She walks into the kitchen and giggles at what she sees.

"Dad, you can cook?"

"Good morning to you too honey"

"Are the twins still alive or why is it so quiet?"

Archie points over to the living room. Emilia and Ben both sit in front of the tv with a bowl of grabs in the middle of them.

"Smart move dad"

"Why? What are they usually doing?"

"Running around, screaming, playing, jumping. You know, mom's more the 'no tv before breakfast' kinda parent" she says as she sits down on one of the bar stools.



"Don't tell her"

"Too late" Veronica mumbles as she walks into the kitchen.

"Good morning my beautiful wife" he grins. He wraps his arms around her and kisses her cheek multiple times before he kisses her lips.

"Good morning Archiekins" she giggles.

"Uhm dad, I don't wanna criticize you but that's not enough food for all of us"

"That's because this is only for your mom and siblings. We two are going to Pop's for breakfast"

"You're really serious about that father-daughter-day right?"

"Yes. Now get ready please, I'm hungry"


Archie just kissed Veronica and the kids goodbye when Emilia starts to cry in his arms. Her little hands hold onto him so tightly that it almost hurts.

"No daddy don't go" Emilia sniffs as Archie sets her down. She wraps her arms around on of his legs and shuts her eyes while tears run down her cheeks.

"Sweetheart, I'll be back"

"You always say that"

"Honey" He lifts her back into his arms and wipes her tears away. "I'm going to spend a day with Lia. I'll be back for dinner. It's just one day"

She nods as lies her head down on her father's shoulder.

"I'll bring you and Benny some candy, okay?"

She nods again.

"Great. I'll go now. Can you promise me to be a good girl for mommy?"

"Yes" she sniffs.

"Perfect. I love you honey"

He hands her to Veronica and almost immediately she hides her face in the crook of Veronica's neck. Ben is already more focused on his action figures than anything else.

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