chapter fourteen

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varchiedreams helped me with this chapter 😊

Veronica and the kids sit on the couch, watching some tv. Aurelia is confused because her mother is suddenly a lot into cuddling and kissing. Maybe it's just the hormones she thinks.
When she hears her dad walk down the stairs she looks up from her phone.

"Dad, why are you wearing your uniform?"

It doesn't take her long to understand. She drops her phone on the couch and crosses her arms in front of her chest.


"I'm sorry Lia"


"What?" Ben asks looking over to his sister.

"Dad leaves us again"

"Come on Lia, don't put it like that. That's not fair"

"What's not fair is that you promised me to be here when I graduate and now you're not!" she yells and gets up.

"I'm sorry"

"I never wanna see you again!" she screams and runs into her room.

Ben walks over to his dad. He pulls on the hem of his jacket and looks up.

"Is that true daddy?"

"Yes" he whispers and lifts him into his arms. He looks to Veronica and Emilia who both have tears in their eyes. Just as he wanted to walk over to them there is a knock on the door.

"That's Reggie. I asked him to drive me to the airport"

He opens the front door and Reggie walks in. He carries Archie's bags outside.

"Are you ready?" he asks his friend.

"No but I don't have a choice"

Archie lifts Emilia into his arms too so that he now holds both of the twins before he follows Reggie and Veronica outside.

"Aurelia" he says and turns back around.

"Give her a few more minutes Archiekins. You know she loves you. Don't worry"

He nods before he turns to his other daughter.

"My sweet little princess. Don't grow, stay little"

She nods and lies his head down on his shoulder.
Archie turns his gaze to his son an places a kiss to the top of his head.

"You take good care of your mommy and sisters okay buddy? You're the only Andrews man again. I trust you"

"I will daddy" he sniffs as he wraps his arms tighter around him. "Don't leave"

"I have to buddy" he whispers "I love you both so much"

Archie's heart breaks. He hates to leave his family behind and it's even harder when he sees all the tears. He swore he would give his family the best life possible and now he's the reason for their sadness.

He walks over to Reggie who takes the kids into his arms. Tear stains are on Archie's shirt.
He turns and looks at his wife who can barely stand up anymore. Tears are streaming down her cheek and her body is shaking.

"Ronnie" he whispers as he wraps his arms around her. He holds her tightly while she cries into his chest. His left hand is scratching her back while his right one is around her waist.

"I can't do this any longer without you" she sobs.

"That's not true Ronnie. You're an absolutely amazing mommy. I know it's hard and I'm so sorry but you can do it"

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