Chapter seven

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When Veronica wakes up, Archie's head is still on her stomach. She giggles and runs her fingers trough his red hair.
"Archiekins are you awake?"

He tilts his head to look up to her before he nods.

"Would you mind getting off of me? You're head is kinda heavy"

He chuckles and lies down next to her before he pulls her closer so that now she rests her head on his chest. His arms are still wrapped around her.


"Way better"

They snuggle for a while, not saying a word just enjoying the silence. Soon it's replaced by the sound of little feet running around.

"Seems like baby nummer two and three are awake as well" Archie chuckles.

"If you wanna kiss me do it now because you have about 30 seconds before they either walk in here or start fighting"


"Just kiss me Archie" she giggles before she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls his head down to her. He places his lips on hers and smiles into the kiss. They are so busy kissing that they don't notice how silent it got again.
Suddenly there is a loud bang and Veronica sits up rapidly. Just a second later she can here one of her kids scream and the other one cry.
She jumps out of the bed, running outside the bedroom with Archie following behind her.
There is a chair lying on the floor next to the kitchen island with Ben lying next to it and Emilia looking down to her brother. He has some blood running down his forehead and tears steaming down his cheeks.

"MOMMY" he cries, reaching his arms towards Veronica.

"Oh baby" she hurries over to him and picks him up. His little hands hold onto her tightly while she lightly bounces him up and down. Meanwhile Archie approached them too. He picks up Emilia and wipes a few tears out of her face.

"What happened?"

"Benny and I wanted to do breakfast for you and mommy and Lia but we couldn't reach anything. So Benny climbed on the chair and then fell"

"Oh sweetie, you're too young to do it on your own. Next time ask me or mom or Lia to help you okay? But don't do it alone"

"Okay. Sorry daddy" she mumbles and lies her head on his shoulder.

"It's okay. Did you get a little scared when your brother fall?"

She nods and Archie kisses her head before he turns to Veronica.

"Look Arch, his forehead" Veronica says almost about to cry as well.

"It's okay babe, it's just a little scratch. We're gonna wipe the blood away, put a band aid on it and then he's all good, right buddy?"

"Mhm" he says with his head on Veronica's shoulder.

"Come on buddy" he says and holds one arm out to him. Veronica hands him to Archie so that he's holding both of the twins before he walks to the bathroom with Veronica following them.

Archie sits down on the edge of the bathtub with the twins in his lap. Veronica takes a tissue and puts some water on it before she wipes the blood off his forehead.

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