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Heeey beautiful people!!!So i'm Keshini and well I wanted to thank all those who are reading this. I hope that you like the story and there are a couple of things I would like to clear out...

Firstly, those who are interested to make new covers for the book are the most welcome. I suck at book covers and the one right now was done by one of my close friends. You can private message me your ideas!!

Secondly, this book came from my imagination and maybe some ideas from my best friend d_harshi.....like you know sharing opinions and all. Btw she also wrote a story....go check it out!!! Please do NOT copy my story anywhere and if you see someone do it please inform me. Thank you😊

Thirdly, do feel free to comment your ideas and opinions and let me know if you find any grammatical errors.

Thank you for those who actually read this cause I know a lot don't....I usually don't😂😂😂Whaaaaat I can be lazy sometimes😁😁

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