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Antonio watched as Alexander talked to the pack members. It was obvious that they no longer had a Beta and actions as well as decisions needed to be taken. Fast. Despite his heartache, Alexander promised himself that he would not neglect the pack anymore since a lot of people relied on him. He began giving instructions to guards about the frequent patrols of the borders that would be required from now on. Jason could come back at anytime for revenge or to come for Isabelle, his mate and his unborn child. Yes, the fucker got her pregnant and left her in this state.

A pack meeting was due in two hours and that gave time for everyone to recover from the recent events. Alexander took advantage of this time to take a bath and cool down. A calm mind always promotes rational thinking and meaningful decisions. He took deep breaths and slumped on his armchair. With his eyes closed, his mind drifted to yet another flashback of him and Scarlet.

Alexander stormed into the room and closed the door with a loud bang. Scarlet cringed at the sudden outburst and slowly stood up from the bed. He was fuming and Scarlet carefully approached him without further infuriating him. The anger issues were becoming quite frequent these days as the pack was facing some major crisis with its allies. A misunderstanding was on the verge of breaking years of friendship and it was impacting on Alexander's temper as he was stressed out and tired.

Scarlet gently put a hand on his shoulders with which he tensed but then instantly calmed down. She began massaging his shoulders to make him feel better. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Those meetings with other pack members from neighbouring packs kept on getting more and more tense. No decision seemed to be taken without numerous arguments. They were petty and got on his nerves. How could leaders be so immature!

"It's going to be fine. Stop stressing yourself so much. You know...good and fruitfully decisions are not taken when one is having any negative feelings. The choices made tend to be bias and based on emotions. So always make sure you take decisions when you are calm."

Alexander thus postponed the upcoming meetings to next month. When they all came back, fresh and calm, matters were taken in and dealt with more quickly without any arguments. After all Scarlet was indeed right.

~End of flashback~

Oh how Scarlet knew people so well. She always observed and analysed situations before jumping onto conclusions. She was so special....so responsible. She would have been a fantastic Luna.

Alexander clenched his hands into fists but after a few seconds, he calmed down. He could not lose his temper. Mandatory decisions needed to be taken. He closed his eyes and took a small nap.

~Two hours later~

Every pack member was seated in the conference room. The Beta's seat was empty. Isabelle sat in her place looking at her mate's place longingly. Alexander gave her a comforting look and shifted his gaze at everyone in the room. They all nodded in respect, indicating that he could begin.

"So as you all know, we need a new Beta and Beta female. Considering that you are pregnant Isabelle, you will be dismissed from pack work so that you can take care of yourself and your baby. However, you are not being ousted. You can still attend pack meetings and help in decision making but according to your own pace.

Anyone here who is thinking about backstabbing us like Jason did, you better talk now or drop the idea cause if i catch a traitor this time, he or she will not escape. No one is going to stop me from killing you. Anyone who feels that he or she knows about the whereabouts of Jason ought to reach solely to me. Guards will be at our borders 24/7. No one will enter or leave our borders without consulting me and given permission.

I believe Antonio and his mate, Rebecca would be most suitable to take the positon of Beta and Beta Female and Tom and his mate would be the new Gamma and Gamma Female. Any objections?"

No one spoke. Hence, everyone was for the decisions taken. Good. Alexander was in his full on Alpha glamour.

"Isabelle don't worry. We will all help you with your pregnancy and will support you after as well. Yet, if you know anything about Jason, i demand you to tell everything right here right now. Don't think about protecting him when he didn't think twice before betraying us....betraying you and your baby."

He was a little harsh but the truth hurt. The faster she accepted it, the better. She deserved much more than that dickhead. I would make sure that she and her baby do not face any hardship in the future. She was like a little sister to him. After all he had known her for years now and she greatly helped him when Scarlet was gone. It was his turn to support her.

"Now everyone back to work! There's no time to waste. We need to be prepared in case of war. Jason might ally himself with rogues or our enemies to seek revenge. His mind is already clouded with greed and i believe there is no going back."

Hey lovelies! Yes yes....i know you are annoyed that i took so long. But! The thing is that school has resumed since July and getting back in routine took all my time and energy. Sooooooo sorry! I don't promise you frequent updates but i will try my best. Please try to understand.

Any construtive ideas, comments or plots are welcomed with open arms.🤗

Anyways, love you guys sooo soooo muuch. Muah!😘😘


The downfall of the AlphaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora