Thank you lock down!

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Am back with another storyyyy. So any guesses?

Hi there, my name lily steel. I am 18 years old and I learn, live, sleep, and do other many stuffs in home and home only. Why? You really asking me that? It cause covid - 19.

Lock down sucks. At first it was really exciting to not go to school which means no homework, no essay, no studying. But what other no it there? No friend or hanging out. In short no breathing fresh air.

So here I am stuck in this house. Bored as hell. It has been like 4 weeks, or was it 5? Forgetting the date, add that to the list of problems this covid brought.

And as if to add gas to the fire, my dear parents thought that it would be good if we kept intact with our neighbour which happened to be my mom and dad's best friends house. My dad's best friend married my moms best friend. So in other words they all became one big close family.

Don't take it the wrong way, I adore aunty and papa Jones. The problem is their son. He is the most annoying, egocentric, stubborn... Person you could ever meet.

So when our parents decided that it will be good to keep intact they meant to live together since you can't meet people out of your house hold.

They decided to ditch the Thomson's house and stay in our home. Since ours was a larger than theirs. But truthfully we could of fit just perfect in either. But I don't mind which house it is as long as I don't have to live with this.. this...I don't even have a name for him.

When we get back to the present am currently lying on the couch in the game house at the basement of the house. It's where me and  stupidity usually chill. If your thinking who stupidity is well he is the douchbag I told you from earlier.

We both have baby sis which happen to best friends. The only people in this family who hate each other are the two of us. None of the parents have any sbiling so we consider them aunt and uncle.

Everything bores me. Even reading books! I mean I used to love it. Don't get me wrong I still do but for some unknown reason it doesn't excite me as before. Add that to the list of problems covid brought.

I was almost sleeping when I heard footsteps. I opened one eye to see the one and only, Lucas. My worst enemy. Even more that corona. And let me tell you I hate hate hate... Corona.

"What did I do know?" He asked when I glared at him.

Being alive seemed a good answer but I went for the less violent one.

"I do what ever I want as long as I don't touch you."and with that I hugged the coach pillow a closed my eyes giving him my back. I heard something around ' whatever ' before the sound of halo started. I won't lie most of his games were fun to watch and on the days where not on each other's throat I will tell him what to do or if there is any enemy around.

My favorite is assassins creed but halo isn't too bad either. I tried to sleep but with the sound I couldn't so I turned around and started watching him play. Not him him but him in the game.

He was trying to kill all the big headed aliens when he turned around and suddenly a bigger one appeared and I shouted jumping from the coach. Try watching halo and you will see how terrifying it is when a big weird looking alien appears behind you.

Lucas looked at me and started laughing his ass off.

Very funny

"It always amuse me how you get scared easily."

"Don't act like you don't feel the same."

"Jumping cause of halo? Never."

I raised my eyebrow," Ow so you don't remember nearly breaking the TV when..."

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