my saviour part 2

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"They are filtering with out a shame!"

"She isn't, it's only him who is kissing her hand."

"If she had really loved Zen she would of snatched her hand away and glare at him."

"You know Addison, she isn't that rude." I sighed giving up. He has a point.

We were arguing whether Addison, which was one of the main actors of the movie zombies 2, was filtering with the werewolf or not. I say she is cause she let him kiss her hand! And my poor Zen was watching the whole scene his heart breaking piece by piece * sniff sniff*, okay that's a bit exaggerated but still.....

"O ow, they are going to breakup." I said with a worried face.

"This getting fun." Leo said back. I opened my mouth to tell him what fun exactly means when the movie stopped. Weird. We looked at each other and checked the TV. The TV was fine but for some unknown reason Netflix has stopped. Bummer!!

I signed in defeat and leaned back on the head bored of my bed. I was about to eat a part of my papaya, which am in love with ,when Leo asked the question I was dreading the whole day.

"By the way what were you doing last night down stairs? You usually here when I come." Ow boy...I swallowed.

"Um, nothing much just reading something."

"And that something is?"

"Just something."

"Alia what are you hiding?" Fine I will tell you then.

"Some boucher I got from the church."

"You go to church?" He asked his face looking funny.

" Ofcours not genius. Some kids were giving it to the neighbor."

"Oww" he said his eyes widening.

"Yes oww, and you should of seen their faces. Saying there is God and stuff. I feel sorry for them."

"You shouldn't say that." I raised both my eyebrows sky high. He serious?

He sighed and added, " He could be real you never know so it's better to not say anything at all."

I was tempted to check his fever since he was usually the one who doesn't care what the consequences are for doing something. That's when I felt the light breath again. Should I check mine too?

I shook my head and got up to take the left over of our papayas. After I was done cleaning everything I went to my room and took the first aid box.

"Come, let me change your bandages."

"Okay." We were lucky that no one was home, my parents gone on some trip I don't care, and the fact that it's summer is a bonus. If there was school it would of been harder to change his bandages and stuff.

It didn't took us long to be done since I have officially mastered the art of changing bandages! Practice makes us perfect.

"You should start your own clinic." He suggested.

"Ya a clinic that only changes bandages and stitches up wounds. Am sure I will be famous in no time." I checked if there was any thing missing and signed in content when everything was almost perfect.

"Haha, don't worry if I am your advertiser you could be." I rolled my eyes at his cockiness and sat on the bed with a jump.

"Anyway what do you wanna do today?" I asked with an evil smile. We have this game we play ones in a while. One of us will run and hold some food or ice to throw at the other. And who ever gives up first or is out of options does everything the other one wants for the day.

He smiled back in the exact same way I did. Told you we were siblings.

It has been a week since the whole Christian thingy and I must say it has been the best week. Parents were still on some business trip and even Leo's dad isn't hitting him much. There were the constant punches but no cuts.

That light breath comes once in a while. And for some unknown reason I always feel calm when it's there. Weird I know.

Ughhh...Cleaning your room is a torture. I was currently doing that and it has only been 10 min and I was already ready for a good sleep. I saw some paper on my bed, which was a mess by the way, and went to get it. It was the same old boucher. How did it get here?

With a sigh I began reading it again while sitting down on my bed Indian style. I got more curious and downloaded the Bible app to read the verses. They were actually really interesting and I suddenly I had this urge to know more about it.

I felt the light breath and smiled when I felt the calm and peace I always do. At first it was weird but I have gotten used to it by now. I didn't dare tell it to Leo scared he will think I was crazy.

I was about to get back to cleaning when I read a part which says ' Program on Sunday 10am. All are welcome here. God bless you all.'

"Hmm.." I said thinking. Going there only once would hurt right?

Another part done! She is going to church, any guesses on what will happen next?

Till our final Journey to this book
May we meet again.

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God bless you all! Bye

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