Stupid, crazy classroom.

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 Knock knock knock

Open the dam door you stupid people. I raised my fist to knock, more like bang, again but it suddenly opened making me stumble.

"You okay?" I looked that sick, did't I?

"I am perfectly fine Calabe. If you will excuse me, I need to ask my brother..." I tried passing but another figure blocked my way.

"What's up girl?" Cain said in his normal high pitch. I sighed at my brothers friends.

"Hey Cain. How are you? Am perfectly fine. Now will you let me pass?" They looked at each other and seemed to have that eye-talking method most boys use. And as if to confirm my thoughts they said, "Nope" in sync.

"Com on..."

"Tell us what it is then we will decide whether you can get in or not."I rolled my eyes. Why couldn't they have free period another time when I didn't need to get my brother?

"Fine, but don't interrupt." I didn't give them time to answer as I jumped into my tail.

"Our English teacher gave us an assignment, which was choosing someone from this school and interviewing them in front of the whole class. So me being me, thought it will be better to ask a senior teacher. So I went to this crazy physics teacher of yours, and asked if it was okay to interview him on Tuesday second period which is now. That so called teacher agreed, therefore leading me to make questions for him. But when the time comes and I went to fetch him, which wasn't an easy task by the way, he said something in Japanese or was it Korean? And when I asked him what he meant he said and I quote 'It means......' He sighed and started again. 'I was going to say something foolish. But either way am not coming to that little interview of yours.' I watched in horror as he simply walked down the hallway not even apologizing." By now, I was pacing the spacious hallway murdering my straightened hair along the way.

"Did you get a word she said?" It was supposed to be a whisper but I heard it since the boy was talking as if the other boy beside him was in mars. I rolled my eyes for the second time in less than 10 min and pushed the two aside to be met with....war zone.

That's the only word that came to my head as watched I watched one fourth of the senior students destroying the classroom. Usually there would be a substitute teacher for free classes but our principal must be super busy to not assign one for this specific batch, the most disturbing, crazy, and daring batch. They literally threw an egg at some teachers head while he was writing on the white bored. 

I passed through the different bodies who didn't notice me at all. Except for one annoying girl named Eden who would have looked as a queen bee for people who didn't know her. Lucky for me, am well acquainted with my brothers friends.

"Ah, Macy. So nice of you to come visit us." Today she was wearing one her infamous dress which was off shoulder and a bit short for my liking. But it was such a good improvement from yesterday's, which will be repeated for Thursday but let's not think much about the future.

"Nice of you for welcoming me with such loving arms." I faked a grateful smile. She chuckled and started twirling in her high heels.

"As always charming. But tell me do I look good today?" I looked her up and down then back up to frown at her blonde hair which was in a very tight ponytail that made her look bald. I walked towards her and took the hair band off, letting her hair cascade down her back.

I ruffled it a bit and went behind her to arrange it in a half up, half down style. Letting few pieces fan her face. I went back to my earlier place and looked her up and down one more time. I gave her thumbs up which she probably didn't notice since she was off to her cheerleader squad the moment I finished her hair.

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