my saviour part one

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Sup there lovelies. This book is the continuing part of the broken hearts. Ya ya, I know I said I won't continue any parts but some people won't let me rest so I decided why not?

So it will have parts, am not sure how much and I will try to update as much as possible. And don't forget to guess what it will be about.

Hi, you probably know me from the girl with ignorant parents and the girl who cuts herself. Well nice meeting you again. But I am not the same girl you know, I have changed. And I have changed for the better. How? Here is the story of how my life changed cause of the one and only , God!


I was done cutting myself and was about to start eating my dinner when I heard a knock. Father and mother where on some trip which am glad about so who could it be?

I sighed in annoyance and went to answer the door. But when I opened the door I found a very cute boy and girl standing, both holding brochures. I frowned but still smiled cause I don't want to scare them off.

"Hi there pretty lady." They said in sync. This made me even smile more.

"Do you know that God loves you?" They continued. My smile disappeared and was replaced by a frown. I kept silent so they continued.

"We are from gospel light church and we want to tell you that we have a program this Sunday and we would love if you could make it and praise the Lord with us." Said the girl.

A small laugh escaped me at their foolishness. Then they gave me one brochure and said " God bless you."

I laughed again not believing that people who believe in this stuff still exists. I closed the door and went back to eating my food which hopefully isn't cold.

While I was eating I read the brochure they gave me amused. I swear this thing is like farie tail. I knew somethings like that God created us and Jesus died for us. And there is the holy spirit who...I don't even get what he - if it's even a he - does. And it says they are one but still three. Are this people really okay?

I sighed and put it someplace on the couch when it started giving me a migraine. Then suddenly I heard a load crashing sound from upstairs. I frowned and looked at my time to find that it was around 10, the time when Leo usually comes.

I run as fast as I could and quickly opened my bed room door to find  Leo lying on the floor groaning. That stupid paper! I was so focused on it that I forgot the only person ever there for me.

I run to him and crouched beside him." Leo?" He groaned a bit. I helped him against my bed and run to the bathroom to get the first aid box. We have extra things than the normal since we get hurt a lot. Specifically Leo.

I helped him with his shirt and started cleaning up his wounds. His father didn't have mercy on him today. And since he got in on his own and fell it got worse.

Ha! They say there is God while we suffer like this? Tears started to form in my eyes when I watch him groan in pain.

" Am sorry, am sorry." I kept saying since half of it was my fault. I should of payed more attention to the time instead of fooling around.

So with tears I cleaned him up and tucked him in my bed with only his trousers. I cleaned up the mess and got in after him and laid beside him afraid I would hurt him if I get too close. He turned his head to me and smiled trying to extend his arm. Key word, tried.

I smiled and scooted closer to him. But not too close. And just as I was about to sleep I felt a light breath against my face. Weird didn't I close the window?


I know super duper short. Sorry but I had some online test so I was busy. This government won't let us be even during this time!

Anyone guessed right? The game won't be on till I finish this specific story since it's about the same thing but I will still post the pics for you guys.

Till out final journey to this book
May we meet again!

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God bless you all! Bye✌

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