No one is old for a friend

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Ughh, essayyyyy! They already know am smart. Why would they ask me to write this this....I threw the mouse ad started banging my head on the table.

"I" bang "hate" bang "writing" . I don't know what's wrong with me but reading and writing....Sometimes I wish I could go back to stone age and stop people from changing the graphic way of writing to words.

"Don't care about your head but we need the desk." Said an annoying person which I want to strangle to death. I swallowed my anger and closed my eyes. I heard some clicking clanking and then, "Done, tell your mom I helped you and you will go down with me. Understood?"

I picked my head up and read what he wrote. My eyes widened and I jumped from my seat to hug him to death. Why does it always lead to death?

"Thank you thank you. And promise I won't." I smiled at him and he smiled back. I was in my mom's office, which is pretty normal,  since I come here almost everyday.

I used to not go to school at all because of my cancer, but when I was around 15 I beat it and started living my life like every other teenanger. But then it came back when I was 17, don't know why. I was depressed for a while but I eventually came out of it with the help of my family, which consists of the people around me now.

I never really had siblings and the rest of the family were all scattered here and there. I had my dad, which was the best, but he died when I was 10 cause of the same cancer. My mom was broken and lost for a whole year, she stopped eating and going to work became a very rare thing. We survived that year with the help of the people we call family. Her boss was so kind that he continued paying her even if she wasn't working. I know, we're lucky.

I remember the time we knew I had cancer like yesterday. I started getting sick so we went to the hospital. I was still a kid at that time to understand what it was, but I knew that it had something to do with the disease that killed dad.

My mom came out of her whole after that and started living again. But I know that if it wasn't for Abdul, papa Thomas, mama Edison, sami, Nola and Jones aka the boss, we wouldn't of been here.

"Shut up!" I heard mama Edison say to someone which is most probably papa Thomas. I don't get why those two don't get married already.

"You don't boss me around." Said, as I have guessed, papa Thomas.

"I have warned you."

"Oww , am scared!!!" It became silent for a while and I leaned a bit on my chair to listen better.

*Smack* " What the..." * Smack* "Old lady you..." * Smack*

"Shhh..." Said mama Edison after smacking him. He actually stopped talking and started doing his work. Ha, girls win!!

The whole office chuckled at their day to day fight. Never gets old tho.

I was about to start playing after saving my, ehmm, Abdul's and mine work, when my stomach groaned. I forgot I didn't eat lunch at school. I usually eat there and come here around lunch time if I get sick which I usually do. Some might say school is their second home, but for me school is a place I want to vanish from the whole universe, and this office is my second home. No one likes me there, am just the weak girl with cancer which they use as bullying bag, or help me out of pity. But here....

I smiled and turned my chair to look at the group.

"Guys.." I said sweetly.

"Not paying" said the two oldies, papa Thomas and mama Edison. They literally live for money. There was this time all the girls, including me since I don't have any other people to be with, went to the salon. It was pretty expensive but we all wanted to relax so we went with it, except mama Edison. She was in the middle of washing her hair when she asked the price. She went from relax mode to spending.a.single.penny mode.

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