my saviour part 3

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I was crying my eyes out in front of people which apparently don't care what you do. It kinda amused me how welcoming they are.
I was at the church and they were showing the story of Jesus Christ.

At first it was boring but then it started getting interesting when he started bringing the dead to life and walking on water. Wish I could do that.

But then the part where he is crucified came. That's when the crying started. It just so sad how he did all of this just for humans which still aren't believing. And how a man can endure that....

One if this is real then your one of the bad people and two he isn't a man!! Didn't you hear a thing at the beginning?

We all know this is just a story, a good story.   Sure it is.

At some point it became unbearable to watch and I was about to get out of there when the screen changed and Mary aka his mom and other women went to his grave and found only the duvet he was in.

I frowned, even if I knew he would be alive one way or another, and sat back to my place. I watched with out even blinking ones, well it felt like that. By the end of the movie I had a huge smile and was proud of him.

I got up to go but just as I was getting out I noticed an old woman with grey eyes looking at me with a smile. I smiled back even if I was freaking out in the inside.

Eeee, eeeee...

What is that noise? That's when it hit me, it's that fire alarm. Who is in my house?

I run to the kitchen hoping the fire is from there and luckily for me it was. And guess who it is?? Leo!!!

"O my word! What did the kitchen do to you?" There was a burning...I think lasagna in the oven and lots of dough here and there. Then there are bunch of eggs on one side of the counter. Wasn't that thing a lasagna?

"Did you just say ' o my word'?" Umm....

I run to the oven acting as if I didn't heard. What was I supposed to say to that? I was about to take the burning lasagna, or I think it is, from the oven when someone held my hand and stopped me.

"No I created this mess so I will clean it." Said Leo.

"Suit yourself." He smiled back and took the lasanga out by the mittens hanging on the wall. In flash he throwed it to the backyard by the kitchen window and closed it. At this point my mouth was open and my eyes were big and wide.

"What is wrong with you?!!!" I ran out of the house to the backyard grabbing a fire extinguisher along the way. I sprayed it over the burning fire. After it was out I took the supposed to be oven tray and looked at the grass. Great now I have to find a way to hide this mess. I got back in more than angry and threw the oven tray in the trash.

"Get out of this kitchen and order pizza or something. I will clean this up." Wisely he didn't argue but unwisely he was smirking while getting out.

It took ages but I was finally done. What did I do with the burned grass? Painted it with green! I know...Dumb as Leo but hey there was a reason why we call each other siblings!

We ordered pizza and now we were watching hanger games. It was the best movie, well the first part was the rest not so much.

"So where have you been today?" Leo asked.

"Just taking a walk." I lied, I didn't want him to find out just yet.

"Uhmm..." He took a bite while giving me the ' sure and I am Bill gate' eye.

"Where have you been?" I said trying to change the topic.

"The usual..." then the night continued like that.

It has been an hour or two since leo left. We finished two large pizzas, 6 cans of Pepsi and a dozen of movies. Ya that's how we usually pass time.

I was sleeping peacefully when I heard footsteps near my bedroom. I took out my phone and checked the day, nooo. How could of I forget. Today is the day my parents will be back. And if they had seen the gra....

"What have you done to our lovely backyard?" Yep am done.

"It was an accid..."

"Don't tell me it's an accident when I am sure you and that boy of yours did it." Then she added " Should I tell his dad what happened?" No!

"No no please don't, I will pay the price please don't." They both knew about Leo's situation but they didn't do anything about it. Guess like calls to like.

"Then you get this." She came to my bed and was about to slap me when someone held her hand. My dad, George, said something into her ear and she went out with a glare. He was the nicer one from the two. But he was still not a dad to me.

He looked at me with disgust as well and went out. He shut the door rattling the house. That's when I let all the tears get out. I run to my bathroom and didn't even bother locking it. I took my knife, which I haven't used for a while and started cutting at places. First my hand then my stomach then my leg and then back to hand.

By the time I put down the knife blood was everywhere. I felt a bit dizzy but still tried to get up. I slipped and fell. I groaned in pain.

Suddenly the door opened and Leo came running in. " Alia alia, baby sis look at me." I looked at him and that was all it took to start the water works again.

"Shh..." And he cleaned me up. He had to stitch two of my cuts which is a new thing since it had never went that deep. He cleaned up the bathroom as well and got me some food after he was sure my so called parents where in their room.

I ate half of it and gave it back to him. He knew better than to argue with me so he just scooted closer and and hugged me to his chest. I had no tears to cry anymore so I just lied there, thinking if this ' Jesus ' loves me. I felt the light breath and had my answer then and there.

He will always.....

Who hates this two people called parents 😣? Me me me!!! Just want to squish them... Anyhoo how have you been lovlies? Hope you liked it. And we will know if she think Jesus loves her or not on the next chappiii. But know that he does love us all.

Till our final journey to this book,
May we meet again.

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God bless you all! Bye✌

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