my savoiur part 4

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He will always love me. And I understand that now. We might go through trials but we must be thankful we aren't in worse. Don't know what made me change my mind that night but it was like a switch. One moment I was off then the next on , free.

I have been going to the church as much a possible after that. The old lady with grey eyes I saw was the grandmother of the little girl who came at my door back at the old days. I have no idea what happened to the mother but Samantha/  granny is the guardian of the little girl whose name is lily.

Granny was the one who really helped me with my belief. I still don't believe the whole thing but there is a part of me which is starting to believe. I admit I am a bit scared but that didn't stop me from coming to church ever Sunday and Tuesday to learn more.

"Hey what you thinking?" Asked Leo who was sitting beside me on the sofa.


"Nothing?" He asked back.

"Yes nothing." He suddenly stood up and started walking to the front door.

"Where you going the movie isn't done yet."

"Since you don't want to tell me what's happening in your life at the moment then I guess I'm not that trust worthy friend. So why would I be here?"

"There is nothing happening...."

"Don't start with this shit again."

"You should stop saying that" I said suddenly feeling as if something was seriously wrong.

"Ow now your the goody goody girl?" I closed my eyes and sighed. He won't let it go would he?

"Fine fine I will tell you, but first sit down will you?" I said and sat down on the sofa. He came and sat beside be with a stone cold face.

"I have been going to the church." I closed me eyes waiting for it.

"What!!???" He stoop up again.

"Yes I have been going there and I believe you should..." He stopped me.

"Just great. I have lost the only person I thought was my family to some God which doesn't exist."

"You were the one who first said that he might." I said back standing up as well.

"I was kidding. Seriously Aliam your going to choose that God over me who was there for you every single dam time of your life?" Tears sprung to my eyes when he said my whole name instead of Alia. It hurts to let him go but I believe that when the Bible said we will pay great prices it meant about this.

"Yes, I love you and don't want to lose you but if it means leaving the one who is still watching over us..." I chocked back a sob and looked at him with teary eyes. He had tears sliding down his face. I stepped closer to the only human family I know but he stepped back while shaking his head.

He glared at me with so much hate that I had to blink and went out of my house. Just as the door clicked I fall to the floor and cried all the tears I have been holding. I was about to go to my room and start what I had stopped when I felt this thug to go to the church instead.

I didn't hesitate when I run out of the house to the church. It wasn't that far. After I reached there I sat at one of the benches and stated crying again. Questioning everything that I had believed this past weeks. What if I was wrong and God wasn't real? What if he doesn't love me at all? Wha...My thoughts were cut off when I heard foot steps. I look up and found granny walking towards me with a confused face.

"What are you doing here deary?" She asked while sitting down beside me. I looked up at her and she gasped when she saw my tear strained face. I broke down, again. I told her about everything. About my parents, Leo's. About what happened today. I showed her my cuts and she didn't scodle me as I have expected.

After I cooled down she explained to me how life is hard and could be harder when we are Christian. But we should never loose our faith no matter what. In the end, which I guess is after 3 to 4 hours, I had all my doubts cleared. I am still sad and heart broken but I know I will be fine with Christ.

She was looking at my scars running  her fingers over them. She was amusingly calm but still a bit sad about it. I have told her that I had stopped doing it as frequently as before bit it will take time to fully stop. And she surprisingly understood that.

I jumped up from the bench when an idea came to me.
"Why won't we go there, I meant  to Leo?" Granny smiled back at me.
So that's what happened. And after that we went banging on his window which has a balcony,I wouldn't dare go through the front door at that time. And granny took him out with his ear when he was about to close it on our face. You have no idea how much I laughed.

It took twice more time for him to believe, but in the end it was worth it.

Our dear parents are in jail right now. After I told granny she went to the police and reported the case. It was really really hard to put them in jail cause they have money but we still won in the end. Gods team always wins.

We are now at the wedding on lily and mal, the two cute children who were the base of my change. Leo was standing beside me, hands holding his lovely pregnant wives hand. They met at some church conference and took literally 2 years to confess their love. Me on the other hand still single. I gave up on finding the one a long time ago and now am a single mom, after adapting two cute brother and sister. They remind me of me and Leo.

Granny amusingly after 20 years is still alive but in a wheel chair. Some might be sad about that fact but am just greatful that she can still talk at the age of 95.

So this is my story. I was the lonely self harming girl who didn't have hope. But everything changed when I met my keeper and saviour one night.

I hope that all the sad people out there get the chance as I did. And when you do don't push it away.

"May you kiss the bride." Said the persist. I am pretty sure I heard mal say finally. Everyone laughed which confirmed my suspicion. That cra cra boy.


The end!!! Haha I am so happy to finally finish this really short book. But still it's a book. And what do they say " it's the small things in life that make the great ones".

Thank you for still reading it. And I will try to post another story soon. But it won't be like this one, it will be more like the first two books.

Till our final journey to Justice,
May we meet again! We matter!

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God bless you all! Bye✌🐞

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