Bugee boo

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(Psalms Chap. 139)

13 For you formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb.

14 I will give thanks to you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. My soul knows that very well.

15 My frame wasn't hidden from you, when I was made in secret, woven together in the depths of the earth.

16 Your eyes saw my body. In your book they were all written, the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there were none of them.

17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them!


Mary's pov


"And this?"


"At least this one."

"No, no and no."

"I am sure you won't use all of them now. Please the teacher will kill me." Said stupidty. Doesn't he get what no means?

"Have a nice trip to hell."

"Ughh.." Victory!

I finished sketching a lemniscate, and for those of you who don't know what it is, in other words are living under a rock, it's the infinity symbol. My favorite symbol.

I decided to color it green a long time ago, but just to annoy the boy sitting beside me I acted as if I had all the time hovering my fingers over the colors, while he was having a hard time asking everyone.

I felt him glare at me which made me smirk.

Mary: one stupidity: zero.

" Hey, scate?" Said Stella turning towards me. Only her and my other best friend, kiya, call me scate, you know cause it's my favourite word...

"Ya" she gave me a really well drawn picture of ladybug and cat noir. Ladybug was holding a long stick between her and cat noir.

'Gazillion feet apart' Was written above it. Small hearts were coming out of ladybug while cat noir was smirking his face off.

I closed my eyes and picked up the paper. With one move I teared it into two, then again, then again until it was small pieces of  papers. Why? Easy. The whole school knows I hate stupidity with all my being. And both me and him are probably the only juniors which are in love with the movie miraculous ladybug. So this useless people decided to make me ladybug and him cat noir. If you don't know the movie, it goes like this:

There is marinett aka lady bug who is in love with Adrian aka cat noir. And cat noir aka Adrian is in love with ladybug aka marinett. So basically one loves the other but only when they are in different form. Cat noir loves ladybug when she is ladybug and not marinett and marinett loves Adrian when he is Adrian and not cat noir.

I hope you get the image. And did I also told you that stupidities real name is Adrian? Just a cherry on the top huh?

I closed my eyes to control my anger, that's when I felt a hot breath on my neck. " Bug boo." Ow, who cares about controlling my anger.

I turned around ready to kill this this this..... boy. Who cares if he was handsome.

Stella was having the time of her life watching our usual cat fight. Ha, cat fight and cat noir.....What am I thinking!?

I shook me head trying to calm myself and started packing my materials since our art class was about to end. Just as I was about to leave out physics teacher, Mr. Clark got into the room. What now?

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