From this Monent

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The cell phone ringing woke us: "Seth what are you waking us up so early!" I grumbled into my cell phone. "We'll meet in the lobby to discuss the TLC project." Seth replied. "Can you ask Renee if she distracts Runa, the two can go shopping with Alexa." "Sure I do." My wife also answered sleepily. I hung up and before I went into the lobby I took a headache pill since I and Renee had been drinking too much yesterday. I also told Renee that she should avoid pregnancy. after that I made my way down. In the lobby I was already expected by Seth, Roman, Hunter, Stephanie and James. I was really happy because I had last seen James when he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, which was a long time ago. "Hey James, nice to see you again, what is retirement doing?I asked him, I got a hug. Then we went to the project proposal after Renee wrote to me that the three had left the hotel. "I have the following idea." Throw Seth into the room. "Runa has a best friend who hasn't seen her in ages, and how about James and Stephanie making sure she's on TLC." Seth continued. "Good idea, then there is no suspicion." James said. "Another question, when do you have to make the application before her?" I asked Seth. "And more importantly do you already know what you want to say?" I pushed afterwards. "I have to hand over the title to her and then ask her and yes I already know what I want to say." He answered me. After the important things had been clarified, Roman, Seth, Hunter and I went to eat something while James and Stephanie called Jenny and drove off to pick them up. I looked at Seth that he was very nervous. I patted him on the shoulder and said: "Everything will be fine, you love that she is a blind man with a crutch." After dinner we went to do some training.


something still hurt my head, but I was happy to help Seth. After Alexa had told me that we should look for an outfit for Runa. Because in the shield outfit for her big appearance, Alexa couldn't allow that. she said that everyone should see what a great woman Seth has and she can show herself. Everyone knew what Seth was up to, he had never committed himself as now. there were many women, even when he knew that he really only wanted one woman. And now he was planning an application. "Good morning Renee, Alexa, I'm ready." Runa looked a little sad today. I wrote to Dean that we were on our way. "Sweetie you need something to wear, something where not only Seth can't get his mouth shut." Alexa said "I don't want to show too much." Runa said and something was wrong. "What did you expect?" I asked. "Hmm boots, blue is my favorite color. Wear your hair open." "What do you think of a top and trousers in blue, black boots and a leather jacket?" Alexa asked without thinking. Runa nodded and we started looking.


After James and I called Jenny, I drove back to my office and got the ring. James wanted to see him once. "Beautiful, it fits her eyes. I only saw her briefly this morning." Stephanie nodded and put the ring in. "Hunter Seth has to give it secretly, because what little Lynch doesn't know is that not only the Shield but also the D-Generation X will be in her corner." it was not too long a drive to Jenny, who was already waiting in front of the house. We brought them up to date in the car on the way back"Just get married and little Runa in a WWE ring, together with Seth Rollins, what have I missed?" Jenny told us that she had been in England for over a year. And that Runa hadn't said a word to her. she also insisted on seeing the future groom before we should take her to the hotel. A call to my husband found out where they were. "So, well, you want to marry my best friendshe only ever told me about one man. "Jenny Seth called out" Let me look at you first. She definitely has taste. I'm Jenny. "We explained everything to her and everyone who hadn't seen the ring had a look"Is that what I think Seth?" Brie looked at Seth with a look that asked for an answer ...


After training we went to the hotel lobby and waited for James, Stephanie and Jenny. "So, well, you want to marry my best friendshe only ever told me about one man. "Jenny called to me" Let me take a look first. She definitely has taste. I am Jenny. "Jenny called to me. I didn't think so loudly yet, but it was already too lateafter explaining everything to Jenny, Brie approached me. "Is that what I think Seth?" Brie looked at me with a look that asked for an answer. At first I didn't want to use the language and was silent. "Seth Freaking Rollins! Please tell me what you're going to do, or I'll call Runa." Brie pushed a little louder behind. "It's okay, yes it is exactly what you think, I plan to apply to Runa after her match at TLC." I said and also showed her the ring I had got for Runa. I asked her to shut up. Whatever she did. after we discussed the rest. I drove into the city with Jenny and James to pick up Runa and surprise her. the two of them looked at me and said: "Head up my friend, that we are already doing everything." James encouraged me and Jenny pushed afterwards: "You are her dream man, she has been talking about nobody else since she knows you." I immediately calmed down a bit. I wrote to Renee and Alexa that I was on the road and had a surprise for Runa in tow ...


I was still a little sad and angry, disappointed and I would like to cut Becky out of my life forever. Roman had apologized to me again and I told him everything that Becky had slowed down at the time. and I couldn't brake anymore and then it happened, I fell. But I had to tell everyone later so I was better. Renee seemed to notice that something was wrong and I wasn't like usualI was afraid of losing Colby even though he knew it from the start. I told him when we were friends, well in the café back then. Shortly before the kiss I also had to tell him that I would have loved to be a mother. when I was with Brie and saw how beautiful it was, I always realized what I could never have, a child of my own. alexa tore me out of my thoughts as she ran towards me with very tight pants and a top in light blue with a dark blue leather jacket. "The pants are too short!" I protested, "No that's exactly right, Seth won't get his mouth shut when he sees you in it." Alexa said proudly and Renee threw "Alexa not only Seth you can believe me." I disappeared and put it on when I was back at Renee and Alexa, both nodded satisfied and held out black boots and color-coordinated knee pads. "Your sister will be focused on your knees because that is your weak point. I noticed that during your match with Seth." Alexa said. Yes, that was true, something that Becky had kept when she fell off her bike. Seth and Jungs must have noticed that in training, even though I had never mentioned this to Seth. .after all this was done and the two had convinced me to buy it and I had to show it to the boys dressed up ...


when we arrived at the meeting point that Renee had written to me, I paid the taxi driver and we started. "In the beginning, please hold back until I give you a sign." I said to both. we entered the cafe where we wanted to meet. "Hey honey, what are you doing here?" Runa asked me. "There is someone who can't wait to see you again." I just replied. "As soon as you go to England for a year you don't get the information that you are now making a career at WWE." Jenny answered from the background. suddenly there was no stopping the two best friends and they hugged each other. "How do you get here?" Runa wanted to know from Jenny. "Seth's friend James said you were going up against your sister for her title on Sunday and I didn't want to miss that." Jenny answered. "Sorry, honey, that was my idea, I thought it cheered you up a little.I joined the conversation. Radiant with joy, Runa fell around my neck and kissed me. "Thank you darling." She said and I saw in her eyes that her sadness was haunted yesterday and this morning. "Proof enough that you don't have to be afraid that I'm leaving you, that it won't happen to me, I love you Runa Lynch." I said, kissing her passionately. After a coffee and many questions, we drove back to the hotel. "Please excuse us for the rest of the day." I said to the others and picked Runa up and carried her to our hotel room. It was beautiful every time we had sex, this time I let Runa seduce me. and even though she always said she wasn't good at it, it was perfect. Then we fell asleep exhausted. And Runa snuggled into my arm. "I love you Colby." She whispered in my ear. "I love you Runa." I whispered back. the next day the big day had come.


I knew the owner of the café very well and asked him for a favor. Then I got Runa and Alexa. "Now let's show Seth what we found." "Ok" unwillingly Runa changed again "Sorry we can introduce the new Raw title holder." Alexa exclaimed excitedly and waved Runa forward. As we suspected, the sight confused Seth. "I still think that's too little material." Runa resisted. "I also look a little like Alexa." Runa hissed further and looked at Alexa. "We go well together! A perfect tag team." grinned Alexa. "Wow Seth I wouldn't have believed you could taste that much." James said "But it would make them a good team. Think about it." he added. When we got to the hotel, Seth said to us, "Please excuse us for the rest of the day." Roman complained. "I think it's great that the two are finally together, it took a hell of a long time." I said and knew everyone was thinking the same thing. "We all went to bed in time that evening.

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