Itś your Life !Stick together

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What did I have to hear on the phone, I thought I wasn't hearing right. Runa shouldn't have gotten involved in Becky's games and Seth shouldn't have left. I had to grin a little when Roman and Dean explained to me what had happened. "I have to laugh a little bit boys. You taught her a lot and believe me Runa wouldn't even have killed a spider last yearand now she's breaking the nose of her future one. "" Don't mention that when we're there, but you're right Jenny Runa was always the little girl and his best friend. I know exactly when they fell in love. "said Dean and also had to grin a little." When at your wedding. I watched the two of them closely. It was the moment when she fell and our set helped her upit sparked there, "explained Roman." And now that they have everything, they make life difficult for themselves. I hope she is wearing her ring again. "I looked forward questioningly and Roman explained to me what she had done"Oh Runa you have a great man and give up on the first problem. I didn't know her like that. She was always so sure, wait my good you will hear something right away. And Colby, how could you be so stupid. oh yes Becky I also wanted to visit with Dean and Roman. After all, it was her fault. The accident shouldn't have happened. "Dean tell me what do you want them to say?" I asked when we got to the two.


When we entered, we only heard like Seth downstairs: "We'll be right downstairs." After less than 5 minutes the two came down. Since Runa wasn't allowed to move that much yet, she carried Seth up the stairs. "So so!" I eyed them from top to bottom. "Yesterday we still had to be afraid that you would throw everything overboard because of a small problem and now you pretend nothing had happened." I started our announcement to the twoafter we sat in the living room I continued talking."Yesterday of you two was just shit, I told you the evening before that there will be difficult times when you have to fight for your luck and Becky could hardly and you will just throw your luck away. not with us. I have to talk to each other next time something like that happens. For you, this means that Seth stays there when the poop is steaming. and Runa, just because you're both messing up, you can't think it's over, because you've become careless and that's why the accident could have happened, which shouldn't have been if you had stayed with Renee. we had promised you yes to bring him back to you and we keep our word. "I finished my speech next it was Jenny 's turn.


That was just shit yesterday from both of you, I had told you the evening before that there will be difficult times when you have to fight for your luck and hardly Becky comes and you just throw your luck away. Not with us. I have to talk to each other next time something like that happens. For you, this means that Seth stays there when the poop is steaming. and Runa, just because you're both messing up, you can't think it's over, because you've become careless and that's why the accident could have happened, which shouldn't have been if you had stayed with Renee. we had promised you yes to bring him back to you and we keep our word. "Dean finished his speech next it was my turn.

"Guys I could turn your neckdo you know what damn luck you were lucky. That nothing is broken. That you are still alive Runa, it was a 4x4 Madam. If the driver hadn't braked beforehand. Then we could have buried you. "runa swallowed and went pale, but didn't say a word "Now Colby Daniel Lopez to you this is to watch out for you !! I want to see it differently in the future. You make every effort to put this great application on your feet and then you run away !!you are no longer in kindergarten. I thought I had grown people in front of me. Runa and you give up take your ring and give it to Renee. I hope the gentlemen have learned something or must it always end in disaster? I had vented my anger and handed the word over to Roman.

(Roman )

Our two newlyweds sat there and didn't say a word. Runa was pale and Colby looked at us with wide eyes, after a while he said "You are done nowwe understood it. I shouldn't have gone and left my baby alone. We should have talked. Then nothing would have happened to her "..." If you two thought that would have been it now. I have something to say too. you my boyfriend tear your ass to get this woman. You my love play with all the tricks of a woman to win his heart and then you think you are happy. But no you make it extra difficult. I saw that both of our words had arrived and the tears ran down Runa. For the first time since we were here, Runa said something: "Dean yes you are right, I should have stayed with Renee, but I wanted to make up for my mistakeJenny I know I could have been dead and I know I was stupid ... "Runa broke the sentence and buried her face in Colby 's shoulderI don't have much left to say except "I know that Becky is largely to blame, but you should have turned on your brain before you actyou my friend, you were so proud to have found this ring and it only fits one woman. Your wife and now you want to finally move in together and I want you to set an appointment for the wedding here and now. seth nodded and wiped the tears from Runa's face ...


We sat on the couch and got the shit of our life from Dean, Roman and Jenny. I had to listen to myself that I shouldn't have run away but should have talked to Runa, I had to understand that myself. when it was Roman 's turn to vent his anger, I radioed in between and said: "You' re done now. We understand it. I shouldn't have gone and left my baby alone. We should have talkedthen nothing would have happened to her. "But Roman could not be stopped.he said to me how much I was happy to have found the ring for Runa and then I seriously wanted to throw away the best that could have been because of Becky, how stupid I was. now Runa spoke up: "Dean yes you are right, I should have stayed with Renee, but I wanted to make up for my mistake. Jenny I know that I could have been death and I know that I was stupid ..."runa broke off the sentence and buried her face in my shoulder, I held her hand firmly. At the end of Roman's speech we were asked to finally be happy because we deserved it. we should move in together tomorrow, the majority was already in the apartment. And the three wanted us to make an appointment for the wedding here and now and I already knew when. I had on the 28thMay birthday and at the moment we had the perfect day at the end of April, because Runa couldn't give me a better gift. "What do you think of May 28?" I asked Runa. "I think the idea is good, birthday and wedding in one." she replied softly. Because it was both our birthday on the same day. I wanted to give Runa, but more than a beautiful future with me. I knew that she always wanted a dog and I knew a shelter here in Davenport, so I would go with her. After the boys and Jenny left because Dean still had to keep his promise to Becky, we sat on the couch for a long time. I didn't let go of her hand. "Is it okay again?" I asked her. "Yes, it will get should promise me something. "She said very quietly." What then? " I asked "Stay by my side and let me be your wife, because I can no longer be without you and I also don't want to be without you anymore." she saidI gave her a passionate kiss and if I carried her into the bedroom I only said: "But then you have to promise me that I can become your husband, because I can no longer be without you and I also don't want to be without you anymore. "we snuggled up to each other and fell asleep.

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