Hoping For Best

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It's been two months already..

Ragini looked at the small box in her hand. She opens it to find the watch that she has bought for laksh with her first month salary. Laksh is taking care of almost all her needs from fees to shopping that she doesn't have to spend her money for anything. So she decides to buy a gift for him and bought the watch. However she didn't have the courage to give it last month, as apart from anything needed they are still strangers for each other. Though she started loving Laksh, she couldn't confess it to him as she's not sure about how he feels about her. At the same time she's worried to get rejected and she can't handle another rejection. Infact what she has for Laksh is something she never experienced with Sanskar nor will she ever experience with anybody else in the future too. Her heart and mind is already surrendered to him completely.

Ragini looks at the envelope which holds the second month salary that she received yesterday. She decides to somehow give the watch and money to Laksh as a token of gratitude. She also hopes that it paves some way that they can atleast start a friendship for now. She caressed them and waits for Laksh to return to his room. He's cleaning the vessels. It has become their routine to share works. Yesterday it was her turn and today its his.

Laksh came all exhausted to the room but leaves straight to washroom. Ragini waits impatiently for him and finally he comes out. She with a smiling face stands in front of him surprising him. Laksh looks confused at her while she stretches the envelope and gift in front of him.

Lak : What's this?

Rag : wo laksh.. You are taking care of all my needs and i felt to give you a gift as a token of gratitude. I got it last month but didn't have the courage to give it to you. And this is my second month salary. You can buy whatever you wish to with it.

Ragini Said all proud and happy as she's finally finding herself with the help of Laksh.

Lak : what's this Ragini? Why are you wasting your money? What is the need for the thank you gift? I already said right? It's my duty to take care of you and I'm doing only that. I'm not expecting anything back. By the way after we get divorced what will you do? Don't you want to save some money for yourself so that you can live on your own? When will you learn all this? I thought you got mature seeing your hardwork but still you need to learn a lot. Anyways you bought it so I'm accepting the gift . Deposit the money in your account. Next time don't waste your money like this.

Saying so he takes only the gift and keeps the envelope back in her hand while Ragini gets heartbroken. She finds him carelessly placing the gift in his cupboard without even caring to open it and leaves for bed. She finds him lying down on his side.

Lak : Are you not going to sleep?

Rag (with difficulty) : i... I will.. Sleep afterwards.. I.. Have to. Stt. Study

Ragini said controlling her sobs as much as possible. Laksh nods and goes to sleep. Ragini covers her mouth with hand and runs to study room. She locks it from inside and falls down bursting into tears. She didn't expect him to treat her as wife but she was starting to hope that he was treating her as her friend. However she realizes that he's only seeing her as his responsibility and nothing more. Her heart pains everytime she thinks that she means nothing to him. She curses him for showing so much care on her giving her hopes for future. She recalls all the times he showed his care for her. Everytime he made it precise that she's his responsibility. It's her who failed to notice the part. She understands its not his fault but hers. She blames herself for hoping for much. She realizes that he still loves swara and once she's back even she'll accept him. Sanskar didn't love swara so obviously swara is going to be Laksh's wife. The thought itself made her shiver. She didn't felt anything even close to this pain when swasan marriage was decided. She wonders what's her fault that no one is liking her. She even starts doubting whether she lacks something.

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