Love And War

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Laksh gets shocked seeing Sanskar there. Sanskar is also taken aback seeing Laksh. A shiver runs down his spine seeing the angry glare of Laksh. Laksh on the other hand recalls Ragini's words about waiting for Sanskar. He starts getting insecure and worries that he would snatch Ragini from him. However soon the meeting starts..

Sanskar throughout the meeting kept looking at laksh while Laksh tried avoiding his gaze as much as possible. Soon the meeting gets over and laksh hurries away. Sanskar kept calling for him but he doesn't pay any heed and leaves from the office. He then gets on the auto and leaves for his home while Sanskar sighs defeated.

On the way Laksh is very much worried about Ragini's reaction upon Sanskar's arrival. He has already forgave sanskar for playing with him in marriage but now he's avoiding him in order to keep him away from Ragini. He questions himself that whether Ragini will leave him for Sanskar. He recalls their beautiful moments in the past two days and wonders whether Ragini has moved on from Sanskar. However he doesn't want to take any chance and decides to hide about it from Ragini. He calls someone and scolds him for not tracking down sanskar. (the same person whom he called after he decides about keeping Ragini with him by hook or Crook).

Laksh has hired a detective to track swasan as once they return they've to get separated. He wanted to keep them away but the person can only track down swara who's now working in Bangalore staying with her friend. However he couldn't find any details about sanskar except that he owns a company named Karma. His resident details were not still available. If he had known that Karma is also a part of the project then he would've definitely avoided the trip. He blames himself for the situation.

Laksh decides to act angry with sanskar in order to avoid him meeting Ragini. With a determined mind he reaches home. He finds Ragini studying in her room and sighs in relief. He decides to check whether she has moved on from sanskar. Ragini who was drowned in her studies looks up to find Laksh and smiles brightly. Her smile lifted away all the worries and insecurities he was feeling all the while. He too smiles gently at her and goes to fresh up while Ragini goes to get his tea and snacks. He soon gets changed in casuals and sits on the nearby swing in balcony gazing outside.

Ragini comes with tea and snacks and places it on the teapoy. She sits on the chair besides him and starts pouring tea for both.

For sometime there was absolute silence while they both sipped their tea. Their mind had various questions but none had the courage to ask about it to the other person fearing the outcome. After a big battle between his mind and heart laksh decides to indirectly ask Ragini about sanskar without mentioning about meeting him. Ragini on the other hand is still lost in her world.

Lak : Ragini

She looks up questioning while he continued.

Lak : Do you like here?

Ragini nods smiling.

Lak : I didn't mean about the place I meant about being with me. Do you feel any kind of hesitation as we never got along well in the past and now we are here as couple?

Rag : it's true that we had wrong opinion about each other in the past. But right this instant if there's anyone whom I can trust above all in the world then it's only you. When my own parents gave up on me, when the whole world gave up on me, when I myself gave up on me, you are the only one who took efforts to guide me in the right path. I still couldn't even imagine what I would've done if you didn't follow me that day to bus stop. You say that you hate me but I never felt anyone taking care of me as much as you did for me. I don't know what this relationship is but it's more pure than friendship or any other relation between a man and a woman. I don't know what's our future but I'm sure that whatever it is my respect and the place you have in my heart will never be taken by anyone in this world. It will forever remain above anything and everything.

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