Holding Hands

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"That's a wrap! Great job!" Gloria yelled as she went to the battlefield to pet her Mimikyu. She kneeled down next to it and have it a big hug. Gloria fed her Pokémon a few candies and stood back up to out Mimikyu back in its pokeball. She smiled at the fairy type gym leader standing across of her. He annoyedly put his Pokémon back in its ball and scrathed his head.

"You did good too!" she smiled at him and went over to shake hands.

Bede shook her hand. "Of course I did good." He sniffled and turned around. Gloria has been the champion for a few months now. In official gym matches she often battled with her Legendary counterpart, Zamazenta. But since this was a training she focused on her regular Pokémon instead. The gym challenge got a tad busier this year, the amount of people who wanted to take part increased already. Everyone wanted a chance to fight and win from the champion and one of the two heroes of Galar. Her phone started beeping. Gloria looked at her phone.
"It's Hop!" She yelled excitedly. She picked up her phone.
Bede grunted and turned away. He always really disliked Hop, they'd even get into a fight once. He glanced at the champion. The phone call didn't take long, she hung up and walked to Bede.

"I'm meeting up with Hop in Motostoke in a couple of hours! So I've gotta get going now!"

Bede put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll take you to stow on side. You can take a taxi there." he offered her.

Gloria smiled brightly. "Thank you so much!"

They both started to walk through glimwood tangle. They even battled a few Impidimps. Gloria pushed a lot of glowing mushrooms just for fun.

"Why are you always so happy? You're always smiling." Bede asked her in curiosity.

Gloria stepped away from the mushrooms and walked a bit closer to Bede with a soft smile on her face. Her face got a bit more serious.

"I'm not always happy... I was mad when both you and Hop fought. I was sad when Victor had to see his sister and a friend turn into the two heroes, I was sad when I beat Hop everytime and crushed his dreams." She looked down, her face was frowning a bit now.

"Hop is a weak trainer anyways. He had it coming to him." Bede groaned.

Gloria looked at him with anger. "You really shouldn't talk about Hop like that. Don't forget that the both of us are the two legendary heroes of the Galar region. He has one of the strongest Pokémon of the Galar region now." she defended her friend. "Besides, I'm sure Hop could defeat you in battle with ease as he is now." She added with a smug face.

Bede laughed. "No way. You're talking about the guy who stole your brother's role here. It was supposed to be the legendary twins, not the legendary friends."

Gloria stopped walking and looked down. She always felt very guilty towards the both of them. Victor never made is past Hop in the championships. When they went to stop and capture Eternatus it got clear that Hop and Gloria were the two heroes, since Eternatus didn't pay any attention to him and he was too weak to even battle him. The day Gloria and Hop came home with their legendary counterparts Victor was sad for a few days. Bede suddenly walked to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"You really shouldn't say such things. For a fairy type gymleader you don't have any positive charm at all." Gloria scowled and pushed his hand away. They both rushed towards the exit of Glimwood tangle.

After awhile of walking they arrived at Stow on Side. Gloria waved Bede goodbye and walked forwards. A group of guys walked up to her
"It's the Champ!" One of them yelled.
"Oi, look this way!"
"The famous hero!"
Gloria tried to ignore these guys. One of them grabbed his cellphone and started to take pictures.
"She sure seems to have grown a bit."
"and her legs look more slender and feminine too..."
Gloria turned around and raised her hand to slap one of them, until her hand was grabbed by Bede. He leaned in from her shoulder and squeezed her hand tightly.
"You really shouldn't do that. It'd be bad for your reputation." he whispered in her ear as he pulled her backwards. Bede pulled her back and pulled her close to him. He gave the strange man a menacing glance and they backed off. Gloria was quiet for a bit. Bede let go of her hand and blushed. He looked away.

"Thank you." She softly said to him.

They both said their goodbyes and Gloria stopped into the flying taxi. It took awhile until she arrived at Motostoke, but she eventually got there. Hop was waiting on her. Gloria jumped into his arms. It's been awhile since they've seen each other. Hop hugged her tightly and laughed.

"It's been way too long mate!" He told her. They broke off the hug and held their hands together.
"Let's go get a drink together!"

They walked towards a lemonade stand and both got a cup. There was an interviewer walking towards them. Gloria groaned. "I really can't get a moment of privacy." she muttered softly. The interviewer stopped in front of the duo.

"Hey Champ, could you tell us more about this picture?" She asked out of breath. She pulled out her phone and showed a picture of Bede and Gloria holding hands.

Hop nearly spat out his drink and looked at the picture with big eyes. Gloria tilted her head.

"We're just holding hands, no big deal right? Bede actually helped me, a couple of guys were almost harassing me but he went in and saved me." She honestly told them. It was just holding hands. She thought to herself. She did it all the time with Hop and Victor.

"So gymleader Bede saved you from some bad guys? Is there something more between the two of you?" The interviewer started up the camera and signed for it to start filming.

Hop shook his head and grabbed Gloria. "Of course there isn't." He angrily told the interviewer. He started to walk away with her, but he started to have an idea. He stood in front of the camera with Gloria and he grabbed her waist with one hand amd her cheek with the other. Gloria turned red as he pulled her against him, their bodies were touching.
Take this, Bede. He angrily said to himself.
He leaned pulled Gloria in and kissed her on the lips with passion. Gloria hesitated at first but kissed him back after a few seconds. Hop broke loose from the kiss. The two of them were blushing wildly. Hop put his arm around Gloria's neck and ran away with her to flee from the interviewer. They lost them and sat down on the floor in an alleyway. The both of them were still blushing. Gloria looked at Hop.

"You realise we can't leave the house the next week due to the paparazzi you just caused to create a scoop about this, right?" she shyly whispered to him.

Hop held his head high. "Defenitely worth it."

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