The Confession

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Gloria was walking through the stoney streets of Hammerlocke with the city's gymleader, Raihan, walking beside her. He was nearly two heads taller than her, she was literally walking in his shadow. They just had a Pokémon battle, which Gloria won of course, and decided to hang out a bit afterwards to kill some time. The two of them have been hanging out regularly. Gloria had lots of business in Hammerlocke lately. She still had one photoshoot to go, but after that she finally had a few days off. The brunette girl decided to spend it in her hometown named Postwick with her mum, twin brother and her crush slash bestfriend, Hop. Hop and Gloria have always been best friends, but now that they've both entered their teen years at 17 she realised her feelings to him were more than just best friends. He was very busy with his studies nowadays, just like Gloria was busy with her duties as a champion. They didn't have as much time to hang out like they used to. Gloria snapped out of her thoughts when Raihan suddenly put his hand firmly on top of her hat. They both stopped walking. Gloria lifted up her head and tilted it to the side in confusion.

"Wot?" She asked him confused.

Raihan lowered his head to hers and smirked at the young champion.

"I had a talk with Leon just before our battle, ya know?" His usually loud voice was softer than usual. "We're gonna practice."

Gloria rolled her eyes and shook her head. "But we just did! Just moments ago I totally kicked your ass in the stadium." she muffled to him.

Raihan shook his head and suddenly pushed his hands against the wall. Gloria's back was touching the wall. She uneasily looked up at the gymleader's face and blushed a bit. Her heart was racing in her chest, he was so tall! Raihan's breath suddenly tickled her neck. Gloria looked around, there was not a single person in the area.

"I've heard that you and Hop already kissed, aight?" He whispered softly.

Gloria turned beet red and started to get hot. She tried pushing Raihan away but he was too strong. Her gaze lowered to the ground uneasily.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about..." She whimpered softly underneath her breath.

She was lying. She defenitely was lying. The brunette hasn't met up with Hop since the kiss they shared a couple of weeks ago. Hop and Leon went to Unova for a week on a family visit, but at the airport Hop suddenly grabbed Gloria by her waist and kissed her deeply before entering the terminal on which their ferry would leave. She thought that no one besides Victor had seen it. On the other hand, Hop always told his brother everything, so big chance he already told Leon and Leon totally would've told everyone else.

"It's okay, Leon told me everything." Raihan backed away from the young champion and grinned from ear to ear. Of course he did. Gloria thought to herself. The dragon type gymleader suddenly pointed his thumb at himself.

"That's why I, the great Raihan, will guide you towards the next step." He turned around and glanced at her. "A relationship." He added with a big smirk.

Gloria turned beet red once again. She stepped away from the wall and nervously looked around. There were more people walking through the streets now. People were looking and pointing at them, they both were famous after all. Raihan cleared his throat and pushed her back against the wall again. His rotom phone was flying around them. The gymleader suddenly licked his lips and started to grab her chin softly with his big hands.

"Anyways," He spoke again but with a more serious tone in his voice,"Lee and I both agreed to take some action. But then I thought, what works better than jealousy?"

Gloria's limbs felt weak like spaghetti. Her face was getting hot. Rotom phone started to take pictures of them as Raihan closed his eyes to move even closer to the young champions face. The fingers that were on the brunette girl's lips traced up to her cheek as he held it tightly. Gloria couldn't move due to nervousness. Was he going to kiss her? She closed her eyes tightly and clenched her fists. Their lips nearly touched, but suddenly Raihan got sweeped away by a large, orange and yellow blur.
Gloria let out a relieved sigh and opened her eyes. In front of her was standing a giant Charizard, he was puffing out smoke at the gymleader who was nearly lying on the ground. Raihan scribbled back up and waved at the Charizard.

"Sup' mate." He awkwardly said to the large Pokémon.

Suddenly two people came running their way. It was Leon, with Hop following behind him.

"This wasn't what I meant by taking action!" Leon angrily said as he wrapped his large arm around Gloria's neck. He pulled her against his side. "She's like a sister to me bro. Don't go around kissing ya best friend's little sister!"  The tall trainer protectively said.

Raihan suddenly grabbed one of Gloria's cheeks, which were still red. He laughed out loud and grabbed the champion's other shoulder tightly.
"I never thought that the usually so  stubborn champion could get flustered like this."

Gloria shook her head wildly so that  Leon and Raihan would stop touching her. Suddenly Hop grabbed her hand firmly and pulled her away with him.

"Let's go, Gloria." He sternly said as he pulled her with him. Gloria blushed and picked up her pace to walk next to him, but he still didn't let go of her hand. The purple haired boy didn't even look at her. He had a bit of an angry aura surrounding him. Gloria suddenly felt a sting of guilt in her chest. The two friends were out of sight of Leon and Raihan. Hop stopped walking and let go of her hand. His eyes stood angry, although there was a small glance of happiness in them. Gloria immediately teared up a little. The purple haired boy immediately started rubbing her lips with his fingers. He was blushing heavily as he avoided her confused gaze. Was he perhaps jealous? Gloria thought to herself. She grabbed the hand that was touching her lips and held it tightly.

"I missed you." She suddenly whispered as she pressed her lips against his hands to place a small kiss.

Hop's eyes widened as she kissed his hand. He looked into her eyes and smiled kindly. "I missed ya too mate."

He wrapped his arms around her neck and pressed her body tightly against his, embracing her in a tight hug. Gloria placed her hands on his back and rested her head against his chest. She could feel his heart beating loudly, his body was hot and his hands were sweaty.

"I'll never forgive Raihan for that, what were he and Lee thinking? " He mumbled annoyed as he held Gloria even tighter.

The young champion giggled and pulled away from the hug. She took a step backwards and placed her hands behind her back. She was smiling happily at her childhood friend.

"Perhaps they were trying to make you jealous?" She teasingly giggled.

Hop uneasily shifted his feet and glanced around him. No one was around them. They were standing at the entrance between Hammerlocke and Route 7 near the bridge. The sun was setting. The golden rays of light the setting sun shined on the young brunette's face. Her brown eyes were glowing with happiness and her cheeks were pink. Hop cleared his throat and reached for something out of his pocket.

"There's actually a reason why I didn't try to contact you the past weeks... I know it's not an excuse... But! I wanted to catch you a special Pokémon." He muttered softly.

His cheeks were flushing red once again as he reached out his hand to her. In his hand was laying a loveball. Gloria's heart started to raise as she curiously grabbed the loveball with both hands. She looked into her rival's eyes one more time before throwing the loveball into the air. A green, round Pokémon was flying in the air, falling down to the ground. The applin jumped down next to Gloria and let out a soft, happy cry. The brunette immediately grasped Hop's hands.

"Is this..." She excitedly said out loud.

Hop took a deep breath and squeezed her hands tightly. He lowered his head.

"I love you Gloria!" He yelled at her with a shaking voice. "Let's be lovers instead of rivals!"

Gloria immediately jumped into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. Hop wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up in the air with a small turn.

"Yes! Yes!" She happily squealed.

The two of them held each other tightly before Hop put her back on her two feet. The young champion stood on her toes and placed a quick yet loving kiss atop of his lips. The two of them were blushing wildly.

"I love you, Hop!"

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