Highschool AU - 1

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// This is an highschool AU! It takes place in Wedgehurst before they go on their gymchallenges!  //

Hop heard the schoolbell ringing from a distance. He was going to be late for school once again! He took a deep  breath and sprinted into the courdyard as fast as he could. He opened the doors to his classroom. The whole class was looking at him.

"Hop, you're late. Again." the teacher said sternly. Hop closed the door and bowed quickly. "I'm so sorry." he walked towards his seat and sat down. The purple haired boy looked around the classroom. He noticed Gloria laughing at him, she held her hand in front of her mouth to hide it for the teacher. Next to her was sitting Victor, who gave her a push against her shoulder so she would stop laughing. Victor was Gloria's twin brother. The three of them lived in Postwick together and were best friends. Gloria was the most hyperactive and popular of the three of them. She always had good grades despite not putting any effort in school at all, she was popular due to her cute looks and outgoing personality. Victor was more serious than his twin sister. His grades were top of the class, but he didn't have too many friends in class due to being silent and too shy to talk.

After an few hours the bell rang once again. Time for lunchbreak. Gloria immediately jumped up from her chair. She eyed around the class. Everyone was standing up and walking out of class to the cafetaria. Hop was staring at her. A few girls walked up to Gloria and invited her to go and eat with them, but she kindly refused. The girls walked away. The classroom was nearly empty now. The young brunette put her table against Victor's and waved at Hop.
"Oi! Come eat with us!" she yelled at him. Hop smiled and moved his chair to where the twins were sitting. He packed the lunch out of his back. Gloria pouted and stole a cherry from her brothers lunchbox.

"Oi, Gloria! It's mine! Give it back!" Victor groaned at his sister. Gloria ate it quickly.

"No way. Mum always gives you the good stuff!"

Hop laughed. The three of them ate together peacefully. Lunchbreak was almost over, the class was getting fuller every minute now. There was a fuzz and people were collecting at the door. Victor and Hop looked up curiously, but Gloria was too busy eating her boxed lunch.

"Gloria! There's someone here to see you!" A friend of her yelled at her. She looked up and wiped her mouth quickly. She tilted her head in curiosity. People started to whisper. "Its a third grader!" The friend added quickly.
Gloria immediately ran down to the classroom door and closed it shut behind her. Victor and Hop looked at each other with suspicion. Girls started to whisper. The two boys tried their best to hear what was happening.
"He was really handsome!"
"Maybe its a confession!"
"She's so lucky! I wish I had a boyfriend that handsome!"

Victor nearly spat out his drink. He shook his head and laughed at Hop.
"No way she has one. I'm sure no one could put up with her for more than a few hours!"

Hop couldn't laugh at Victor's joke. He was getting a strange, stingy feeling in his belly. He felt sad and angry at the same time. The door opened again and Gloria walked back in. All eyes were locked on her.

"What is it?" She asked confused at why everyone was looking at her. "How did it go?" A random girl asked her.

"Eh? He just returned a towel I lended out to him, that's all." She laughed and sat back down next to Victor and Hop. Hop let out a relieved sigh. Thank goodness. He thought to himself. Gloria put the towel on the table and put her bag on her lap. She put it in, but a small note fell out of the folded towel.
"Was it the guy who you accidentally pushed into the swimmingpool yesterday?" Victor asked her sister curiously. Gloria nodded while opening the note.
Hop suddenly remembered. Yesterday Gloria was being a tad too wild as usual, bumped into a tall guy and accidentally pushed him into the school's swimmingpool. She lended him her towel as an apology. Gloria was still reading the note carefully.

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