Forest Of Focus

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// DLC spoilers!!! \\

Gloria puffed out her chest with pride as a group of trainers waved her goodbye. She just finished a raid with the help of a few trainers that were nearby. She could easily beat the raid itself, but she wanted to encourage other trainers too. Also, everyone wanted to get a chance to battle alongside the brand-new champion of the Galar region. The young girl placed her hands on her hips and looked around the forest she was in with happy eyes. She arrived at this island a couple of weeks ago to train with master Mustard, a former champion. She had to face three challenges alongside her new rival; an arrogant psychic trainer named Avery. When they first met he despised Gloria with his whole heart, she kept defeating him in battle with ease every time. Gloria suddenly felt a big paw hitting her head playfully. The brown haired girl turned around and scratched her new partner's fur softly.

"You did amazing, Urshifu!" She complimented the tall Pokémon with a soft giggle.

The Urshifu roared softly and started to point towards a swarm of Combee floating around a nearby tree. The tall Pokémon was licking its lips from just thinking about the sweet honey they produced. Gloria shook her head and crossed her arms sternly. "No way! Leave them be buddy. We'll make some sweet curry when we find a nice spot aight?"

Urshifu groaned and mimicked its trainer. He crossed his arms and shook his head a few times while glancing at Gloria with angry eyes. Gloria glanced back with deadly, angry eyes.

"Oi." She said with a cold tone. The trainer squinted her eyes at her Pokémon and leaned closer to him. "Don't give me that tone, buddy."

Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind the swarm of Combee. As if someone cut down a large tree branch. Gloria and Urshifu immediately turned around. The swarm of Combee suddenly started to buzz loudly. Gloria and Urshifu shared a quick glance at each other in panick. The swarm got bigger and suddenly launched itself them! The champion pointed her finger towards the angry swarm.

"Come on Urshifu, use Aerial Ace!" She commanded her Pokémon.

Urshifu took a big leap forwards and slashed into the swarm, but only a few of them fell down. Gloria looked around in panic. She immediately grabbed Urshifu's pokeball put of her pocket and put him back in it immediately. This swarm was too much to handle for them! I can't put Urshifu in danger! She thought to herself as she put the Pokeball with her Pokémon in it back in her pocket. The young champion turned around and took a sprint. Water... She had to find water! The girl looked around, but it wasn't nearby. She glanced behind her quickly to find out that the swarm was only getting closer. Out of breath she came to a hald by a berry tree. A dead end! The young champion backed up against the stone wall and hurriedly grasped for her bag. She held a pokeball out of it. Gloria closed her eyes quickly and sighed. She didn't want to use Eternatus, since it would cause an imbalance in Dynamaxing in this area. But it seems that she didn't have a choice. She held the pokeball to her lips.

"Please Eternatus, scare them away from me..." She whispered into the ball with closed eyes. Gloria took a deep breath as the pokeball started to glow red. She opened her eyes and lifted up her arm. The swarm was just a few meters away from her. The young champion was about to throw up the pokeball when a large white shadow suddenly threw itself against the swarm, breaking it apart. Gloria let the pokeball fall out of her hands in shock, causing her Eternatus to come out of its ball anyways. The monstrous Pokémon roared loudly, ready to protect it's trainer. Gloria let herself fall on her butt and took a deep breath once again. She looked at the white shadow that saved her. It was a Dubwool! But not just any Dubwool... Eternatus roared at the remaining Combee and floated next to the familiar Dubwool. The round, fluffy Pokémon bleated at the now fleeing swarm. Another familiar face came running from behind a few bushes. It was Hop! Out if breath he came to a halt next to his Wooloo and Eternatus. He gave his Pokémon a few pats on his back as a thanks.

"H... Hop..." Gloria whimpered with watery eyes. Hop glanced at her with a kind smile and immediately ran up to her. He let himself fall down on his knees across of her. The purple haired boy opened up his arms wide and cocked his head to the side. Gloria immediately crawled into his best friends arms. She dug her head in his chest as Hop wrapped his arms around her.

"There there, mate." He sushed at her while stroking her hair softly with his fingers. The two of them kept sitting like that in all silence for awhile. Gloria closed her eyes shut and grabbed onto his tshirt. She took a deep breath and was welcomed by Hop's familiar scent. When Gloria was lityle she and her twin brothter often got chased by Combee due to Gloria's mischievous personality. It was always Hop who ended up saving them. Gloria opened her eyes again. She suddenly started to get a warm and fuzzy feeling in her stomach when she realised how close she and Hop were cuddling now. They often cuddles together, since they were best friends and all. But somehow it felt different this time. Gloria lifted up her head and looked at her best friend shyly.

"What were you doing here? And how did you find me?"

Hop smirked and let his hands rest on the ground while leaning backwards.

"I was looking for an Applin! I wanted to check if giving it Dynamax soup would affect it's evolution. So I went to this spot, ya know? Where we found the Applin the other day?" He explained.

Gloria looked around and started to turn beet red. She suddenly remembered where they were now! Both Hop and Gloria came here to find an Applin for Urshifu's special Dynamax Soup! The young champion suddenly started to feel hot. She grabbed her head and slapped her cheeks softly. She remembered the Applin falling on top of her head with it's nectar spilling on her head. Hop suddenly grabbed her cheek and licked the nectar off of her forehead to get a taste! And he acted as if he did the most normal thing in the world afterwards!

Hop suddenly laughed at her and tapped the top of her head lightly.

"Man, that Applin really hit you hard back then hadn't he." he responded with a teasing glister in his bright yellow eyes.

Gloria chuckled. "I hope my forehead tasted good tho."

Hop suddenly grabbed her shoulders tightly and leaned in closer to her. He was half a head taller than her, so Gloria had to look up. The two of them were blushing this time. Hop nervously gulped. The young boy closed his eyes and gently placed his lips against her forehead. Gloria's eyes widened as she felt his lips against her skin. She immediately started to feel hot. Her heart was beating faster than ever in her chest. Hop let go of her face and grinned with a wide smile. He looked relaxed and embarrassed at the same time, his cheeks were flushing red. Hop placed his hands on the back of his head.

"You still taste good mate."

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