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Gloria pouted her lip and crossed her arms in annoyance. She squinted her eyes at her twin brother before turning her back on him. The brown haired girl let out a deep sigh and aggressively sat down on the ground. Hop let out a laugh that he was trying so hard to hold in. Victor groaned at his twin sister and angrily placed his hands on his hips.

"Gloria, I'm gonna say it one more time ey, we are NOT making curry for the third time today."

The brunette boy's voice had trouble hiding his annoyance. The three of them were out exploring the wild area together. They just got their first three gymbadges and were walking from Motostoke to Hamerlocke together. They were currently camping in Bridgefield, close to the nursery. The trio started their adventure in the wild area at sunrise. Hop insisted on starting the day with some curry. Eventually they made a break after defeating a Gigantamax Meowth that went wild, in which Gloria proclaiming she was hungry so they had curry again. This time they took a break because their Pokémon were tired. They just finished playing and were ready to pack up. Yet, Gloria insisted she wanted te eat some curry again. Victor just shook his head when he thought about his sister's appetite. Hop gave Gloria a comforting pat on her head as he lowered his body a little.

"There there, Glo. We'll eat curry again tonight!" He tried comforting her.

"Really?" She immediately turned around with shining eyes of excitement.

Hop smiled brightly and opened up his mouth to confirm, but was interrupted by Victor's harsh voice.


Gloria stood back up again and gave her dress a few hits to knock the dirt off of it. "It's two votes against one bro." She said with her nose lifted up in the air.

Victor glanced at his best friend as he let out another disappointed sigh. "Hop! I know you like my sis, but you can't give her everything she wants!"

Hop turned beet red immediately and his body stiffened up. His piercing yellow eyes glanced at Gloria quickly, who was densely looking at Victor. The purple haired boy felt a drop of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"O-Oi mate, that's not true!" He stuttered nervously as he glanced back and forth at Gloria.

Yet fortunately, the brunette girl was very dense. Victor had revealed Hop's crush on his twin sister a lot of times to Gloria, but she would always respond with things like 'Ya I like him too.' and 'of course he likes me, otherwise we wouldn't be friends ya silly.', too dense to realise the feelings that Hop had to her were more than just friendly feelings.

"Oi oi, what are you doing here lil baby?" Gloria voice turned sweet immediately as she kneeled down on the ground near the tall grass.

A cutesy squeak came from the tall grass, as a little pink Pokémon came walking out of it. It was a Stufful! Gloria reached out her hands and held the wild Pokémon in her arms, raising it up in the air. Her eyes were shining as she held the pink Pokémon up in the air, facing his brother and her best friend.

"Look look!" She yelled cheerfully.

"Ahhh what a cutie!" Hop yelled happily as he kneeled down next to Gloria.

Gloria giggled and put the Stufful on her lap. She started to play with it's paws. Her bad mood was lifted the moment she laid her eyes upon the baby Pokémon. Victor hovered above his twin sister and smiled at the Stufful, but his face returned to serious real quick.

"Oi, if this is a baby, doesn't that mean that it's momma should be real close?" He suddenly realised.

Hop turned pale and stood back up again. He shared a worried look with Victor. "Isn't Stuffuls evolution..."

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