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"I'll promise to take good care of it, thank you so much Bede!" Gloria happily said as she hugged the Applin close to her chest.

The brunette girl was shining with happiness. It was an Applin that could Gigantamax once it evolved, it also had an hidden ability. Bede awkwardly scratched his head and let out a deep sigh. His eyes clouded up a little bit with disappointment but he did his best to hide it for his rival. The white haired gym leader actually gave the Applin as a hint for her, but the young champion was too dense to realise that giving another person an Applin is a confession of love. She probably knew the legend, but didn't realise that Bede meant it to her in that way. He glanced over at his crush quickly. Gloria walked over to him with big steps and stood close next to him. Her rotom-phone came flying out of her pocket and floated in front of the two rivals. The brunette girl lifted the Applin even closer to her face.

"Let's take a picture with it!" Gloria joyfully suggested.

Bede uneasily looked at the floating phone hovering in front of him. The young gymleader never really took  pictures of himself. He actually really disliked being on the big screen. Gloria was going to put a picture on the internet for sure. If she'd do that, than everybody would know about his feelings for her. An idea suddenly popped into his mind. With a smirk, Bede wrapped his arm around Gloria's waist to pull her body closely against him. Rotom took a couple of pictures immediately before flying back into the young champions pocket. The white haired boy let go of Gloria's waist and took a few steps back. He wrapped his arms around each other and smirked once again with his chin lifted high in the air.

"You should put it online as soon as possible, Gloria." He said to her in a bittersweet voice.

The young girl laughed softly and put the Applin in its pokeball before putting it safe in her backpack.

"That's so unlike you, but sure!" she said as she walked towards the taxi that was waiting on her. She turned around to face her rival with a fiery glance in her brown eyes. She pointed her finger at him. Bede suddenly started to feel hot. He could feel his cheeks burning up as Gloria piercingly stared at him.

"Train hard! I really want to battle you again in the next championship!" Without waiting for an answer Gloria turned back around to step into the taxi.

Bede took a couple steps closer towards the flying taxi and waved his rival goodbye as the Corviknight took off to the skies above him. The young gymleader let out another big sigh. Off she goes again... He thought to himself. The two of them just spend the week together training their Pokémon. As the champion, Gloria had to drop by every gymleader once in a while to battle them and train together with them. Bede always loved the time they spent together, but all Gloria would talk about was her best friend and Bede's worst enemy. A rival of both of them named Hop. Hop and Gloria have been best friends and neighbors since they were little. Bede knew that both him and Hop had a massive crush on Gloria. He also was aware of the feelings Gloria has for Hop. But somewhere deep down, he couldn't help but hope that she has some feelings for him too. The young gymleader grabbed his phone to see a notification. A mischievous smirk appeared on his face, Gloria had uploaded the picture already. Bede looked up at the sky and placed his hand on his forehead to block the bright rays of the setting sun. People were totally going to get a wrong idea about this, maybe he still had a chance!


Hop dropped his videogame controller and let himself fall down with his back laying on the floor. The purple haired trainer let out a groan as he stared up at his white ceiling. He was going to meet up with his best friend, Gloria, for the first time in two weeks. Time was ticking by so slowly, he really wanted to see her already!

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