Valentine's Day

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"That curry you made really was delicious, love!" Hearing those words made the purple haired boy blush heavily. He turned around to face his girlfriend, who was putting the last pieces of camping gear back in her bag. She looked up at him and smiled brightly at him. Her brown hair looked soft and was shining thanks to the rays of light from the setting sun. Gloria and Hop started dating a few weeks ago. The young couple have been best friends and rivals since their childhood. They decided to keep their relationship a secret to everyone, except Gloria's twin brother. But honestly, Gloria and Hop still acted as best friends. Except for special occasions like today, valentine's day. Acting like lovers was hard for them, since they both were very dense and shy. Out of nowhere, Hop suddenly grasped his girlfriends hands tightly. Gloria looked away with glinstering eyes. Her cheeks got redder whever Hop came close to her or touched her.

"It's so quiet today, innit?" Gloria chuckled as she squeezed Hop's hand tightly.

He nodded and looked around them. They haven't seen a single trainer today in the wild area, which was odd since it usually is lively.

"That's good!" Hop smirked as he softly caressed the brunette girls cheek with his fingers. "C-Cuz now we can do lovey stuff in public, am I right?" He nervously added.

Gloria stood on her toes and leaned in towards her Rivals tall face. She placed her lips on his cheek for a quick kiss. She let out a soft giggle when she was done. Hop tried to act all manly since they started going out together. But she knew better than anyone that he was actually a very nervous kid.

"You're adorable." She teased him.

Hop turned beet red. "A-Adorable?!" He said in a husky voice. He cleared his throat and grabbed Gloria's waist tenderly.

"I'm a manly man." He corrected her as he pulled her against his chest.

"Oi Oi." Gloria softly giggled underneath her breath. "You are a legend to me tho."

Hop gulped and leaned in for a kiss, his body was hot and trembling. Gloria could feel his heart beating loudly in his chest. She started to feel hot herself, but closed her eyes anyways. She moved her face forwards. Their lips were less than one inch away from each other.

"Baaaa!" Hop's Dubwool suddenly bleated from a small distance.

The young couple immediately let go of each other and took a few steps backwards in embarrassment. Hop groaned and turned to his trusty Pokémon who came to a halt inbetween the couple.

"Dubwool! C-Couldn't you have waited a few seconds!" He awkwardly told his partner.

The round, fluffy Pokémon bleated loudly in responce and pointed its head towards two young man walking towards the couple. Gloria lowered herself and gave Hop's Dubwool a few pets on it's head.

"Thanks for warning us, Dubwool." She said in a sweet baby voice.

The two guys halted in front of the Champion and her rival. They were both just as tall as Hop. One of them was a blonde with blue eyes and the other boy had bright red hair with piercing green eyes. The red haired boy immediately bowed in front of Gloria.

"I'd knew we would find you here!" He happily said.

Gloria tilted her head in confusion and shared a quick glance with Hop.

"Oh, of course. You don't remember us?" The boy asked awkwardly.

Gloria scratched her head. "I'm so sorry! I see so many new faces now a days."

The blonde boy shook his head with a smirk on his face. "My name's Bosco. And the redhead next to me is Porter." he introduced the both of them.

Gloria jumped up immediately. "Of course! Bosco and Porter! It's been awhile, how've ya been?" She happily asked them. The brunette girl turned to Hop and pointed her hand at him.

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