Chapter 7

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Beam POV

That night I realised that I have feelings for Forth.

What should I do now..? The only way to be good friends is to hide my feelings in front of him.

Why Forth... Why you make me feel like this?

Today I have class early. I get ready take my bag, and was searching for my car key. Oh no I'm already late, I don't want be late  just because of this key... Where did I put it?
While I was thinking i finally remembered that I just put in my bag.

I think I didn't fully woke up... My brain still buffering. I didn't sleep well last night. I think That's why I couldn't find it.

Well I found my key wanted to go out. And here I saw forth in front of his house with bike.
Should I go out now? Or stay at home until Forth left... I'm already late.

Finally Forth left with his bike.
Then  I run to my car  And  left for campus.
When I arrived i Park my car. Walked to the campus.

This morning I have science classe. It'll take me minimum 10min to go the classroom. This university is really big,  sometimes I get lost..

  Fortunately I'm on time, wasn't late. I saw Pha and Kit in our  class and went to them.

"Hey Beam, you're just on time" said Pha

"Hey, yes I thought I was going to be late"

" you're here Beamiee!  "
Said kit with a big smile on his face.

"What's wrong kitty? You're suddenly happy to see me? i asked, with laughter.

" who say suddenly,I'm always happy to see you" said kit.
You're always happy to see Ming

"Hey pha what's wrong with him?" i asked pha.

"I don't know too, why he's acting like that."

" what acting?! can't I be happy to see my dear friend" said kit.
Okay kitty.. Suddenly why?

"Ah I forgot to tell you. Ming asked me to have lunch in engineer campus, come with me na please..." kit asked.

"sorry na I can't, I already told wayo that I'll bring him  to have sushi, bring Beam with you" said pha.

Why there? Why we have to have lunch in their campus?

That means I  have a chances to meet Forth there, but I don't want to meet him now. I don't know if I can hide my feelings...

Kit looked at me "Beam com.." he didn't finish his words I cutt him off.

" oh! kit I don't know why suddenly I feel sick. My tummy hurts" I acted and touch my stomach.
I don't want to go there.

"Beam you're such great actor, But please come with me na~" said kit with his puppy face.


"stop trying to act cute.  I'll come with you"

"Thank you na beamieee~" said kit with big smile.
Yeah whatever, I just hope I won't meet forth.

Our class was really long. I couldn't sleep yesterday, I'm sleepy.

Finally it's finished!

After we finish our class, the two of us went parking to take my car.

We are on  our way to engineering campus.

When we arrived here I saw forth with with his friends and Ming.

Why I suddenly feel nervous. Beam act normal.

Forth POV

Here they come Beam and kit. Ming called them to join us in our table.

"Swadee" said kit and Beam.

" Swadee~" we said

"we were waiting for you. Ming told us you'll come here for lunch" said park.

"yeah , we  don't have afternoon class so I thought it will be good if I visit him here" kit answered

"you guys are really nice" said Lam with smile.

They sure really nice couple, they care a lot about each other. Its not the first time, kit always come to  visits ming here. Whenever he's free.

"we just try to have some time together P, So there won't be any problem in our relationship. Even though sometimes we're busy."
Said ming and kit agreed.

"That's right time is more important thing in relationship, if you Don't have time for each other it doesn't work well." said park.

After we went to take our food. I have to agree that our campus food are really good. That's why sometimes students from other faculties come here.

We comeback to our sit. I sit next to Beam. Why he's so calm today. He didn't even look at me.  Did I do something wrong?

Hello! Let me know what you think about this ff. There are lot mistakes, I'm sorry I'll try to write better chapters.

Have a good day:)

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