Chapter 8

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Forth POV

While we were eating Beam say he would go get some drinks for us, so I followed him.
I don't know why Beam looks different today... Its like he's ignoring me.

"Oh Forth you also want something?" Asked Beam because he saw me following him.

"No, I came to accompany you, so you won't get lost. And also you can't take all those drinks by yourself" I chuckled, I actually wanted to talk to him, the reason why he's being like that.

"Ahh thanks, and it's not first my  time here, don't worry Forth I won't" he smirk

"how can I not worry, I'm scared you'll get kidnapped. " i said.
There are lot of beautiful girls. I'm scared they'll kidnapp you. If they saw a handsome guy like you, for sure they'll come flirt with you.

"who will kidnapped me"
Said beam while laughing.

"Beam.." i called


"About yesterday ar...?" I couldn't finish my words he cut me off
He said "yesterday I just had headache, that's why I wanted to leave" 

"It might be because I didn't went to club for a long time. That's why I didn't feel well. But I'm okay don't worry" why its look like he is lying...?

"Next time don't go, if you feel like it. If somethings happen to you uncle auntie will kill me"
Beam parents went to overseas for a week and told me to take care of him.
So I must take care of him until they come back.

"Don't worry they won't" said Beam with laughing.

Beam and kit left after having their lunch.

Me, Lam and Park went to our meeting. We all gather in a big hall with others seniors and juniors.
All of us are from different engineering institutes.

We gathered here because we will have activities this week with freshmens.

When I see all those juniors, it's remind me of us, back then when we was freshman.

Finally we finished our meetings.

I'm so tired...

I was on my way home. And saw there was a food truck. There were lot of  people lined around it. I went near and saw they were selling Doreyaki.
Should I take some for Beam, he like sweets, I'm sure he'll like it.

I was wating in line almost 10min, there are lot of people. Most of them are students I think.

I finally take the Doreyaki and went Beam home.

Beam POV

Today I tried my best to act normal in front of Forth. I hope he didn't notice.
When I come home I took a nap because I was too tired and didn't sleep well last night.

Suddenly I heard someone rang the doorbell. I woke up and Went downstairs. Who can it be?

I open the door and saw Forth. Why he's here?

" Ohh Forth why you here?" I was still feeling sleepy and scratching my head.

"what Beam can't you be happy to see me? I brought some Doreyaki for you, you like sweets right" He said while giving me the packet And smile. Wow He's so sweeeet..

"Thank you na Forth"
I smiled back.

"Beam did you have dinner yet?" he asked

"No I didn't"

"Alright then, let's have dinner together, I'll make something for you"

"it's oka..."  He didn't give me chance to speak and enter the kitchen like it's his own.. This boy really...

"what do you want to eat Beam"

"whatever you can make" because anything is fine for me.

"okay then how about fried rice?" He asked

"sounds good" i responded

He take take all the ingredients, and started cooking. While I was sitting in  small table in kitchen watching him cooking.       This man can do anything. How can he look so handsome while cooking..                           
I found myself looking at him. Beam come to your sense... I said to myself.

"Beam did you try the Doreyaki I brought earlier?" asked Forth.

"No yet"

"Try it before it gets cold"

I try one piece of Doreyaki. It was really delicious!

"where did you get it from" I asked because I've never tried it before.

"There was a food truck near our campus I get it from there, do you like it?"

"yes! It's delicious"

"Good if you like it, if next time the food truck still here I'll bring some for you" He said with smile.
He's so nice...



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