Chapter 10

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Beam POV

When i opened my eyes and saw that I was at hospital room, I looked at the wall clocks and It was 1:10am.

I remembered that when I went home after class this afternoon, I suddenly had stomachache and I fainted.
Luckily, auntie was there and took me to the hospital.

I saw Forth was beside me. He's sleeping while leaning his head on the bed.
He looks cute while sleeping... But he seems tired.

I carefully got out of bed because I wanted to go to the washroom.
I tried not to wake him up, but I think I did. He woke up and looked at me, his hair was a little messy.

"Beam when did you woke up? Do you need something?"

"Just now, I want to go to washroom"

"OK, want me to help you?"

"No it's okay, I can go by myself"

"You sure?"
I only fainted, I can still walk forth.

"Yes, don't worry."
And then I went to the washroom.

When I came out, I saw Forth was on his phone.

As I went to bed, Forth slightly gave me a smile and I smiled back.

"How do you feel now?" He looked concerned for me .

"Better now" I responded

" How did that happen Beam? Doctor said you didn't take meals properly and that's why you fainted" He told to me.

" Well you know Forth I can't cook... And also I was busy with our exams and assignments this week so I didn't have much time" I explained

"It doesn't mean that you should stop having meals, if something bad happens to you, what am I going to say to uncle and auntie? "

"I know..." I just noded

"If you knew, this wouldn't have happened, and it was also my fault, I'm sorry Beam I didn't take good care of you"
He said with a sad face.

"Don't say that, it's not your fault, Forth. It's my fault I didn't take good care of myself." i said, it was really not his fault, this week we both were really busy. But Forth would always call me and ask how I was doing.

"I'm glad you're okay, when mom called me and told me that you fainted, I was so worried"

"Thank you na Forth for staying with me" since childhood whenever I'm sick he would always stay by my side. I know how much he care about me. But it's not good for my heart... It only make me fall in love with him more and more.

"It's nothing Beam,just take care of yourself, you want to be a doctor, if a doctor can't take care of himself well....Then how will he take care of his patients... " He said worried and smiled.

" I will " I smiled back.

"Ah, doctor said that you have a checkup tomorrow morning to do, after that we can go home"


"And tomorrow you don't have to go to class, I'll tell Pha and kit about you"

"But Forth I still have some exams left next week, I need to go..."
I'm really okay though.

"I'll tell them to take notes for you, just take a rest tomorrow, okay..."

"Alright" I just nodd, even if I say something he won't listen to me.

In the morning after my checkup, we went to Forth house.
As auntie opened the door she said "Forth, Beam you're here" and gave me hug.

"How are you now Beam. How was your check-up?" she asked

" It was good auntie, I feel much better now, thank you for taking me to hospital"

"Don't need to say thanks na Beam, you're like my son, I always be there for you " she said as she patted my head.

"Now come, auntie made your favourite dishes for breakfast."
Aunties food are delicious

"Alright auntie, I'll go wash myself first and then I'll join you"
I said and went to upstairs with Forth.

Hello! This chapter is very short. But I hope you'll like it. Sorry if there any mistakes:(

Have a good day :)

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