: forgive :

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"C'mon Josh we're going to be late."

The young mans voice called out into their makeshift home.

"Yeah yeah whatever I'm coming."

Josh replies back making his way to the front of the bus disregarding his shirt on the journey.

"Is that really necessary?"

Tyler questioned humorously igniting an eye roll from the well-built drummer.

"Yes it is."

"Whatever you say dogbreath."

"Oh my lord stop calling me that!"

Josh sighed hopping off the buses steps Tyler following closely.

"Yeah not going to happen."

"Well fine then I'll just call you baby boy."

Josh cringed at the nickname while Tyler mockingly laughed at his best friend.

"Go on then call me that anytime dogbreath."

"Yeah not going to do that anymore."

Josh muttered under his breath before staring off into space clearly for too long as Tyler began to notice.

"Yo Jish what you looking at?"

Tyler asked looking in the same direction Josh had been staring at.

"Uh nothing."

Josh said clearing his throat and leaning on the nearest wall regardless on how the concrete would feel on his bare back.

"Are you sure it's nothing Josh? You look kinda I don't know distracted?"

Tyler found a place on the wall next to his band mate and copied Josh's stance. Josh merely just looked at him briefly clearly struggling to say what was bothering.

"You can tell me anything man."

"Uh it's just - I don't know. I guess I just wanted to ask if you had heard from your sister."

Tyler looked away from Josh and found a spot on the ground that looked particularly better then looking at Josh's face expression right now.

"Madison or Cordelia?"

Josh looked at him with a 'what do you think look?' and rolled his eyes.

"No I haven't heard from her."

He stated coldly not bothering to look up at all.

"Have you tried calling h-?"

"No I haven't and I'm not going to, Josh."

Tyler cut in clearly frustrated with the fact Josh would bring this up.

"Why not?"

"Why not? Are you seriously asking me why not, Josh?"

Josh pushes himself off of the wall and stood in front of Tyler clearly wanting more of an answer then he was getting.

"Why not?"

Josh repeated more forcefully then before causing Tyler to finally look at him.

"Because Joshua she doesn't want anything to do with us!"

Tyler exclaimed getting more agitated by every minute.

"That's not true!"

"Oh my god! Josh you can't seriously be this dense! She literally told us both that she didn't want to hear from us again. At least not until the day she bloody dies."

"Don't call me dense!"

"Why not? Because you clearly are if you believe she wants to see us again. Especially you for that matter."

"What are you even talking about? Especially me?!"

"You know what I mean Josh. It was your idea in the first place! Not mine!"

"Stop acting all innocent. Just because I came up with it didn't mean you had to go along with it."

"Yeah you're right I shouldn't have gone along with it but it doesn't change the fact that we both hurt her and mark my words she'll never ever forgive us."

"Screw you."

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