: something happened :

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Jenna stormed through the crowds and crowds of eager fans ignoring any that screamed her name or asked for a picture which would normally be something she would never do but right now the only thing hat mattered was to get to Josh and Tyler. After getting through the fans she slammed open the side door of the venue and practically pushed past security only flashing her id badge for a second but that was enough apparently. Jenna looked down at her watch and saw that the two were set to go on stage in give or take 3 hours. She hurried her pace down the halls and began to frantically search for any sign of her fiancés room. Turning the corner she payed little to no attention and crashed into someone knocking both her and the stranger to the ground.

"Uh I'm sorry wasn't looking where I was going."

She hurried out an apology and bounced back up and begin to rush passed whoever it was by was stopped when she heard her name being called by a familiar voice.


She spam back around and was met with Joshs brother, Jordan.

"Oh my thank God! Jordan!"

Jenna exclaimed clearly relieved to see a familiar face. She ran over to the perplexed boy and hugged him softly.

"Right sorry I don't have time for greetings. I need to find Tyler and Josh. Do you know where they are?"

"Uh yeah I'm going over to them now."

"Okay good can you show me?"

Jordan nodded and began to walk in the direction in which she assumed they were.

"So what's to urgent Jenna?"

Jordan suddenly said still guiding her to their dressing room.

"Um just something happened a-and I need to talk to them."

She croaked feeling the tears build up in her worn out eyes. Jordan noticed this and quickly gave her a comforting hug despite not having a clue what was wrong.

"This is it."

Jordan stopped outside a brown door wearing a hand written sign saying "21 pilots." She practically cringed at it knowing full well Tyler either hadn't noticed it or had give someone an ear full already. Jenna looked over to Jordan but was met with nothing but soon realised he had already entered the room without her knowing. Jenna sighed and reached for the door handle with her shaky hand and felt her eyes prick with even more tears. She reluctantly opened the door and walked in. The room was basic at best as it only sheltered one mirror, a couch and on a white table some half eaten snacks that she assumed one of the boys had already helped themselves too.


Someone called out to her again and she had to wipe her eyes in order to see who it was.

"Are you alright?"

Josh said getting up off of the couch and
approaching her. She looked into his eyes and it was almost as if she could relive the phone call she had got 30 minutes prior. She shook her head allowing the tears the freely fall down her glistening face. Josh immediately engulfed her into a hug and let her cry into his shirtless chest.

"Err what's going on?"

A voice that clearly belonged to no one other then her fiancé questioned laughing slightly. Jenna pulled away from Josh and turned around to see Tyler entering the room with a floral kimono on and some jeans. He's humoured face dropped as soon as he saw her distraught face.

"Hey what's wrong?"

Tyler asked coming closer to her.

"S-something happened."

Jenna whispered struggling to make sense of her words. Jordan, Josh and Tyler all grew more conceded by her ominous statement and looked to each other for answers but none of them had a clue.

"What happened, Jen?"

The simple question made Jenna sob more and all the boys looked at each other idly having zero clue what had supposedly happened.

"Baby c'mon talk to me. What happened?"

Jenna looked into Tyler's eyes and lifted her hands to cup his cheeks gently.

"S-something ha-happened to y-your sister Tyler."

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