: come back :

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As soon as Josh hit the final drum in Trees the whole crowd went into a crazed frenzy. Some where crying while others were screaming. Josh looked out over his and Tyler's fans. He sighed happily as he took in every aspect on this moment. He thought it was a sensational concert and the fact that he just got engaged to the love of his life hours earlier made it monumental.

"We are twenty one pilots and so are you!"

Tyler practically sang out to the sea of fans. They went unbelievable insane at just one simple sentence and that was more than enough to put a smile on both of their faces. The duo jogged of off the stage and were greeted by a overexcited Jenna.

"Oh my guys that was incredible! It was truly amazing. Lord I'm so proud."

Jenna gushed as Tyler kissed her cheek and hugged her.

"Thanks Jenna."

Josh replied sheepishly scared on whether or not she was angry at him for his reaction earlier. Jenna nodded to him still smiling like a child. Josh walked over to the snack table and grabbed a bottle of water before downing it all in one. As soon as Josh finished he started to look around and noticed that Cordy was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey guys have you seen Cordelia?"

Josh asked the couple but they shook there heads. Concern ignited inside of the man and the other two saw this two.

"Jenna when was the last time you saw her?"

"Um before the concert."

"What? Didn't you guys watch together?"

Jenna shook her head while flashing a guilty look to both Tyler and Josh.

"Then where did she go, Jenna?"

He grunted.

"Um I don't know but she must be here somewhere right? Where else would she be?"

Josh nodded his head and began his search for his missing fiancé. Tyler came running after him clearly concerned about his missing twin.


Josh shouted into the sea of staff and fans.

"Cordelia? Where are you?"

Tyler questioned looking around aimlessly for any sign of his sister.

"Oh my god! Tyler! Josh!"

Jenna screamed from across the room. The pair went sprinting towards the fearful voice and nice they got there nothing could prepare them for what they were about to see.

It was Cordy. Lying on the cold floor dirty floor not moving at all. Not even breathing. Josh dropped to his knees immediately and picked up his lifeless love.

"Cordy? Baby? Please."

He whimpered shaking her lightly in hopes she would just wake up like nothing happened.

"Oh my god. Oh my fucking god."

Tyler cried into Jenna's arms.

"Someone please get a fucking ambulance! Please!"

Josh screamed whisking that someone anyone would hear him and come to save her but he knew that it was futile. She was already dead. Her skin was pale and cold. Her eyes were closed and if he could imagine it they would probably hold no remanent of who she was if they were open. Her mouth was slightly agape as if it was trying to grasp just one more breath. One last breath. The imagine of the hopeless girl broke him. She was truly gone this time. It's not just some stupid fight that caused her to ignore him. No this was permanent. Nothing could bring her back.

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry."

He cried while rocking her back and forth.

"Just come back to me okay? Just come back baby."

Uncontrollable violent sobs erupted from his trembling lips and it was as if all sound around him had stopped. It was like they were the only two people in not only the room but seemingly the world. 

"C'mon Lovely please wake up. C'mon please we're supposed to get married. We're supposed to die together when we're old and grey. We're supposed to grow old with Jenna and Tyler. Me and Tyler supposed to play gigs till we're 70 and you and Jenna are supposed to be our little roadies. So c'mon please gorgeous come back."

"Please Cordy. Come back."

But she didn't and she never did.

Josh lived out his life alone.

Stuck in a state furthest away from his love.

Stuck in a state furthest away from the bliss he once knew.

Stuck in a world without love.

bliss // josh dun Where stories live. Discover now