: bliss :

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Cordelia sat in the back of the stage looking through the curtains, watching eagerly at the sight of her brother and fiancé unleashing their souls and passions to the audience.

She envied them more then anything. She could never do anything that beautiful or perfect. She could never go in front of thousands of people and just live. She would probably have some sort of panic attack and that's exactly why she envied them it's easy to say that you could do what they do but it's another thing to actually do it.

And at that very moment she felt more proud of the pair then she ever had before. Josh was destroying the drums and Tyler's voice harmonised perfectly in the arena. And probably what made the experience better was that the fans were singing along with every single word regardless of the speed or how loud they needed to be.

And that truly was something that made her believe in the world again. Cordelia took her attention away from her best friends and put it into her lap. She felt her heart begin to race and her head began to throb.

What's happening?

She thought to herself attempting to steady her breathing.

But then it hit her a wave of excruciating pain enveloped her entire body. She felt herself begin to scream at the feeling but quickly covered them with her trembling hand. Cordelia felt her vision begin to blur and her heart start to slow down.

This is it.

She thought.

This is how I'm going to die.

And although that realisation embarked a crippling fear in her gut she felt as if this was the perfect way to go. She got to see her favourite people perform one more time. She got proposed to by the love of her life. She got to make up with Josh and Tyler.

Everything just seemed so quintessential.

It was bliss and then it all went black.

"Goodbye Joshua."

bliss // josh dun Where stories live. Discover now