: my job :

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"Ah Ha! Bingo! I win! Whoooo!"

Cordelia bragged flailing her arms around in victory.

"God you're such a nerd."

Tyler said rolling his eyes throwing his cards on the floor. Josh has almost the same reaction except he sunk deep in his chair in defeat.

"Hey I'm not the nerd here you're just a sore loser."

"Shut up loser."

Josh chuckled at the siblings banter and shook his head.

"You got a problem, drummer boy?"

"No no it's just cute how you're getting hella cocky when there's no way in hell you're winning next time."

"Oh yeah look who's getting cocky now."

"Right whatever love birds I'm just going to make a call."

"About what?"

Josh questioned him not breaking eye contact with Cordelia.

"You know what."

"Oh okay."

Josh said nodding his head and looking down at his lap. Cordelia cleared her throat trying to get the duos attention.

"Is anyone gonna tell me or...?"

"No no ones going to tell you nothing."

"Oh god why did you say that?"

"What? What do you mean-"

"Can't nobody tell me nothin'. You can't tell me nothin."

Cordelia started to sing obnoxiously loud while the other two laughed at her.

"Right can you zip it now lovely."


She said smiling childishly. Tyler rolled his eyes and went for the door.

"Hey wait! Aren't you going to tell me who you're calling?"

"Yeah no."

Tyler said walking out of her hospital room.


Josh laughed again before Cordelia snapped her attention to him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you're gonna tell me who he's calling."

"He's calling Jenna."

"Lies! Jenna's in the lobby!"

Josh started bite his lip subconsciously and muttered a 'sugar' under his breath.

"Yes sugar indeed. Now spill."

"Uhh fine."

"Go on."

"Well basically um we have well had a gig tonight but we kinda ran out because we heard about you."

He explained scratching the back of his neck.

"What?! Oh lord save me why in gods holy name did you do that?!"

"Uh maybe we found that you were hurt and thought that you took priority."

"Well I disagree. You shouldn't have just ran out. When does it start?"

Josh stayed silent.

"When does it start, drummer boy?!"

"In 30 minutes."

Josh practically whispered while smiling innocently.

"Oh god sweetie you too are so dumb."

"Well that's rude."

"Only speaking true words sweetheart."

Cordelia grabbed his wrist and checked his watch.

"Right okay you have time go get Tyler right now and you'll get there."

"What? No I can't leave you."

"Uh yes you are Joshua. You're going to go even if I have to drag you there myself."

"Let me rephrase that I won't leave you."

"Let me rephrase you don't have a choice."

Josh sighed clearly frustrated with her stubbornness.


"No Joshua! I'm not letting you ruin your career because of me."

"It's just one gig."

"It's your first tour."

"First of many."

"Not if you act so unprofessional and skip concerts."



"Stop doing that."

"Stop doing that."



Josh put his hand over her lips refraining her from continuing to mock him.

"Finally some peace and quiet."

He sighed deeply.

"Now you're going to listen. I'm not leaving you. Not ever. Not again."

She nodded reluctantly and moved his hand away from her lips.

"So take me with you."

"What?! Are you actually mad?"

"Well yes but that's not the point-"

"Yes it is the point! You really think I'm going to take you out of the hospital for a fucking concert!"

"Language! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You think it's perfectly acceptable to try and convince me to take you to some stupid gig!"

"It's not some stupid gig it's your job!"

"Screw my job! You're dying!"

Cordelia stopped taken aback by his outburst and for the first time since she heard the news it finally sunk in. She's actually dying. She was going to be gone in the matter of hours or days or weeks.

"I-I'm sorry i-I didn't mean t-that."

"It's okay. You're right Josh. I am dying and that's why you're going to go to the concert. And I'm coming too."


"Yes you are. Please J-Josh."



"God sakes."

He sighed.


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