Chapter 27: Drifting

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"I almost told him that he was the one I am in love with. Can you believe that? I know, knowing you, you'd probably keep pestering me until I actually told him my feelings..." you rested your back up against the pod with Sora inside. " would've helped..." silence was your reply but you shook your head already knowing he wouldn't answer you and stood up. "Well my confession is gonna have to wait. Roxas needs to be out of the clear before anything else." You turned around to look at your best friend in deep slumber. "And that's all I have to report." You huffed at his resting face with a crestfallen grin. You slowly pressed your hand up against the pod, it's barrier preventing you from reaching Sora. "I'm sorry..." was all you said as you rest your forehead against the pod.


You take your leave from the mansion, feeling a little bit better after talking to Sora about your crazy life so far. You kept your word to Naminé that you would come back to visit Sora and her as well but for some reason she doesn't show up whenever you stop by. It's seemed fishy, yeah. But you didn't have a problem with it, you still had your best friend to keep you company.

You turned to look over your shoulder at the mansion one more time before departing, sending it your usual grin then headed off back to town. This time you didn't feel like walking so you thrust your keyblades into the ground to summon your star for a faster transportation. Your star morphs into existence and bounces around like its dancing with joy for being released and twirled around you. You smiled at the glowing light with a raised eyebrow. That notion giving it the sign that it's time to head home. It hovers slightly above the ground in front of your feet, allowing you to step on it. You got in your usual criss cross apple sauce position then internally commanded your star to take you home.

While it gently flew high in the sky, you sighed and flopped on your back, watching the clouds go by. Watching them pass you always makes your mind drift deep into your thoughts. Not that you really mind it. It does have you start thinking about what's been happening to you with Roxas and his now on the wanted list for operation "Wake up Sora", you reuniting with Lea (or Axel), and now Xion hasn't been showing up at the tower to hang out like she always does. And you can't shake the feeling that something bad happened to Xion. You just wished she'd show up so you can see for yourself if she is in any trouble. Maybe the Organization found out that she's having trouble with summoning her keyblade. If that's what it is, Roxas and Axel would've said something or done something about it. You would too.

"But what could I do? All I know is that the members of this group could no doubt be really strong. Especially if I took them all on at once." You shivered at the thought of it. "No way. I'm not that stupid to do something like that." You shook your head and tucked your hands behind  head to use as a pillow.

Then an image of Xion came to mind whenever she was keeping to herself or staring intently at her empty hand. She always had a sad look on her face. Like she was really disappointed in herself for not being able to summon a keyblade.

You frowned as the thought plagued your mind. Gritting you're teeth, you squeezed your head between your arms and rolled over on your side in a scrunched up ball. Not having the slightest idea on how to help her aggravated you to no end.

Some friend you are...


Your star arrived at the top of the tower, swirling down so that it was hovering on the ledge of the balcony. You kicked your legs over and hopped on the ledge then down onto the safe ground of the balcony. You linked your hands together and reached for the sky in a stretch from sitting on your star and in the pod room. You then moved on to your shoulders, massaging them because they felt stiff and tense.

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